Le Compostier Worm Hotels are custom made and designed for each particular urban location to ensure they are easy to use by groups of city residents, local businesses and families, are durable in all weather conditions, are secure and tidy. Design features include a space on top of the Worm Hotel for growing plants for food and local pollinators, and users can grow plants directly where they create their compost.
Rowin was inspired to specialise in designing Worm Hotels for city composting in order to create and improve the soil in our urban environment, to stimulate local food production while preventing pollution and to empower local people to come together to create value from their waste.
Afbeelding: Mediamatic Biotoop JungJiea Hung
Burying a muskrat, to be composted over the…
Wat als je na dit leven voeding kunt zijn voor nieuw leven? Dat een verarmde bodem weer vruchtbaar wordt? En planten, bomen, micro-organismen en kleine diertjes gedijen dankzij jouw restanten? In...