Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Distilling a Citrus Bouquet
16feb 2025In this workshop you will be introduced to scent extraction and the distillation process. Distillation is the process of extracting essential oils from plant based materials. We'll explore the...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Distilling a Citrus Bouquet
19jan 2025In this workshop you will be introduced to scent extraction and the distillation process. Distillation is the process of extracting essential oils from plant based materials. We'll explore the...
Mediamatic Biotoop
Full programme overview 2024
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Distilling a Citrus Bouquet
15dec 2024In this workshop you will be introduced to scent extraction and the distillation process. Distillation is the process of extracting essential oils from plant based materials. We'll explore the...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Distilling a Citrus Bouquet
24nov 2024In this workshop you will be introduced to scent extraction and the distillation process. Distillation is the process of extracting essential oils from plant based materials. We'll explore the...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Distilling a Citrus Bouquet
20okt 2024In this workshop you will be introduced to scent extraction and the distillation process. Distillation is the process of extracting essential oils from plant based materials. We'll explore the...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Observational Plant Drawing
13okt 2024Zien is kennen is zien is kennen... Een biologie-, foerageer- en tekenworkshop in een! Samen met bioloog en kunstenares Annemarie Verschoor, zul je door de verschillende dimensies van planten en hun...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Distilling a Citrus Bouquet
22sep 2024In this workshop you will be introduced to scent extraction and the distillation process. Distillation is the process of extracting essential oils from plant based materials. We'll explore the...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Cyanotype Dyeing
7sep 2024Reclaim lost knowledge about medicinal herbs! This workshop focuses on foraging for plants with potential benefits for female reproductive health. In collaboration with artist Fedora Boonaert , you'...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Observational Plant Drawing
8sep 2024Zien is kennen is zien is kennen... Een biologie-, foerageer- en tekenworkshop in een! Samen met bioloog en kunstenares Annemarie Verschoor, zul je door de verschillende dimensies van planten en hun...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Herb Couture: Cyanotype
with Clemens Tomlow and Fedora Boonaert
Reclaim lost knowledge about medicinal herbs! This workshop focuses on foraging for plants with potential benefits for female reproductive health. In collaboration with artist Fedora Boonaert , you'...
Workshop Mediamatic Biotoop
Wines of Hildegard
28sep 2024Get to know the vine plant and taste medieval recipes for infused and quenched wines. Be inspired by Hildegard to adapt recipes to your personal well-being and needs and take home your very own wine...
Living Tower Talk #9 Mediamatic Biotoop
It takes more than Listening to Hear
28jun 2024De stad is een luidruchtige plek. Niet alleen voor en door mensen. Ook dieren maken de nodige herrie en hebben last van ons. Maar hoe zit het met bomen of vissen? En met aarde of mycelium? Welk...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Distilling a Citrus Bouquet
18aug 2024In this workshop you will be introduced to scent extraction and the distillation process. Distillation is the process of extracting essential oils from plant based materials. We'll explore the...
Japanese Knotweed Season Tasting 2024: Mediamatic Biotoop
Invasive Brewery: Knotweed Beer Tasting
31mei 2024Join us for a unique presentation and tasting experience led by brew-expert Sander Nederveen . We all know brewers love a good challenge, and this session dives into the fascinating world of using...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Herb Couture: Cyanotype
15jun 2024Reclaim lost knowledge about medicinal herbs! This workshop focuses on foraging for plants with potential benefits for female reproductive health. In collaboration with artist Fedora Boonaert , you'...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
7jul 2024Come to Mediamatic to have a talk with an artist in our little greenhouses by the water! Learn more about their work or talk about your project with the artist who inspired you. Janneke de Lange is...
4. Mediamatic Biotoop Siobhán McGibbon
Xenophon: Portal to Where? Here, Maybe.
19apr 20241aug 2024In de fictieve wereld ‘Xenophon’ hebben de wezens uit deze wereld ( Xenothorpians ) het vermogen te muteren door versmelting met andere wezens. Dit bos van duizendknoop is vermengd geraakt met...
Living Tower Talk #8 Mediamatic Biotoop
Life Beyond Borders
31mei 2024Wanneer verandert iets van gewenst in iets ongewenst? Van inheems in invasief? Tijdens deze Tower Talk vragen we ons af wie de grenzen hiervan heeft bepaald. Een grens blijft toch een vreemd concept
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Distilling a Citrus Ritual
23jun 2024During this workshop, you will be introduced to scent extraction and the distillation process. Distillation is the process of extracting essential oils from plant based materials. We'll explore the...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Open Knotweed Hunt - Flevopark
18apr 2024LAST MINUTE CHANGE: The foraging is now in Flevopark, see our instagram for the exact location. Tijdens het Japanse duizendknoopseizoen moeten we voor ons programma veel Japanse duizendknoop...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Open Knotweed Hunt - Erasmuspark
11apr 2024Tijdens het Japanse duizendknoopseizoen moeten we voor ons programma veel Japanse duizendknoop verzamelen. Verzamel met ons in het park en oogst zelf wat duizendknoop voor je aankomende workshop!
13. Mediamatic Biotoop Erica Monde, Mila Benjamins
There’s Not Much We Can Do
12apr 20245mei 2024Toen filmmaker Erica Monde gediagnostiseerd werd met endometriose, het groeien van weefsel dat lijkt op slijmvlies buiten de baarmoeder, kreeg ze vaak te horen dat dokters niks voor haar konden...
Living Tower Talk #7 Mediamatic Biotoop
Exoten in de Stad
12apr 2024In de stad zijn allerlei “invasieve” soorten te vinden, zoals bijvoorbeeld de halsbandparkiet. Kunstenaar Teun Castelein komt er meer over vertellen. Zie hier zijn winnende inzending voor een nieuw...