Autistisch 299 Asperger
Autistisch 299 Asperger
Temple Grandin (*1947) is an American academic and animal behaviorist. She is famous for her design for a more animal friendly slaughterhouse. She is also an autism spokesperson and, being autistic...
Temple Grandin is a famous American academic, animal behaviourist, and autism spokesperson. Her new book, 'Visual Thinking', published in October 2022, is the latest in her series of books exploring...
For this roundtable, we were joined by Claudia van den Hoeven, who shared her perspective on support for neurodiverse students in art education. Claudia works at the HKU University for the Arts in...
During this roundtable, we talked about Mediamatic's open call for project proposals, 'Penny for your Thoughts' . What thoughts do the neurodiverse artists around the table have about the application...
Before the public event Sensing Self through Movement , we invited our three speakers for a roundtable dinner with the A/Artist team and artists from our network. We talked about a number of topics...
Animator Peter Wassink joined us at the A/Artist roundtable to talk about his work on the film Mind my Mind (2019) by director Floor Adams. Mind my Mind delves into the mind of Chris, a man...
Vier vrijdag 26 Augustus de feestelijke opening van Playful Jewelry for The Inner World. Om 16:30 zal kunstenaar Weimin Zhu vertellen over haar werk en nodigen we je uit om met ons te proosten.
Three artists share their perspective on work that involves motion and the mind. With the A/artist program, we're exploring neurodiverse experience in the practice of the arts. We discover the power...
'Playful Jewelry for the Inner World' is een collectie van zilveren sieraden die de drager uitnodigen om meditatief te bewegen. Door de ritmische bewegingen kom je dichterbij je innerlijke wereld
Iedereen kan er wat aan hebben om de juiste woorden te vinden voor hun identiteit. Je ontdekt wie je bent en kan dat benoemen op een manier die goed voelt. Dan kan je die kennis op je eigen manier...
Patricia Ranft is a professor emeritus at Michigan State University and the author of various books, including 'Women and the religious life in premodern Europe' and 'Women and spiritual equality in...
Hildegard of Bingen was a 12th century German nun, and one of the most influential women of her time. She wrote several scientific treatises, composed music, and invented her own language, all of...
During this A/Artist discussion round, analyst Sven (name changed for privacy) and designer Arjan van Amsterdam gave a presentation about a very timely topic: non-fungible tokens, or NFTs. We...
Marna Slappendel is an Amsterdam-based visual artist. Since she received her autism diagnosis five years ago, she has evolved from knowing nearly nothing about it to researching and learning about...
Liminal Vision is a creative research duo consisting of artistic maker Victor Evink and film maker Emilia Tapprest. Victor is open about his autism diagnosis, while Emilia is not on the spectrum.
During our latest A/Artist discussion round, artist Annelies Wina Doom took us on a journey through her art work "Please do not touch, even clean hands can cause damage", from its conception to its...
Repetition, extreme consistency, radical truth, cataloging, systematising, questioning, over- and understimulation. All of these words are part of a list the A/artist team brainstormed last year...
There is something uniquely inspiring when looking into artistic processes that are still in progress: unpolished, experimental, and open-ended. Penny for your Thoughts is our project nursery
Visual artist Ida (name changed for privacy) gave a presentation about her work and her artistic process. Ida's work consists of drawings of impressions from her daily runs, which she constructs...
Op maandag 28 februari kwamen voor het eerst sinds de vorige zomer weer kunstenaars uit het netwerk van Mediamatic samen om te discussiëren over het onderwerp kunst en autisme. De avond begon met een...
Bruce Nauman once famously said: “If I was an artist, and I was in the studio, then whatever I was doing in the studio must be art.” Living a retreated life on his ranch in New Mexico, Nauman’s work...
I finished Bianca Toeps’ “but you don’t look autistic at all” book on a sunny, but cold afternoon.
Two weeks into my research and I'm falling down a rabbit hole. Admittedly, before diving into this project, I have little to no knowledge about autism. Then with the amount of bombarded information...
Platform voor neurodivergente kunstenaars en ontwerpers. We richten ons vooral op hen die identificeren als/met ASS (autisme) of ADHD. Hoe kunnen we het werk van makers op "het spectrum" beter...