Lonneke van Kampen

Autist/artist project


Profile photo Lonneke van Kampen -

Hi, my name is Lonneke. At Mediamatic I'll be working on the autist/artist project that explores among other things the needs and possibilities of autistic makers and artists. 

During my research Master in Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam I combined my interest in disability with my interests in AI and the work of Donna Haraway. I'm interested in exploring the creative potential of thinking, working, feeling, imagining or feeling from the perspective of disability as ' mortal critters entwined in myriad unfinished configurations of places, times, matters, meanings', as Haraway writes in Staying with the Trouble (2016). I'm also particularly interested in neurodiversity, the diversity of human minds and the infinite variations in neurocognitive functioning. 

Apart from my work at Mediamatic, I also work as a researcher in participation and inclusion of the job market. 

Contact informatie

  • Lonneke van Kampen