Jenny Konrad

Artist and Designer


Jenny Konrad - Image courtesy of Jenny Konrad Jenny Konrad

Jenny Konrad is a visual translator of information who researches and appropriates methods, medias, tools and materials to transform raw content into experiences that are digestible to constantly overstimulated minds and understimulated bodies.

Independent works take shape in spatial installations, performative interventions and experimental websites to invite interaction and participation. Konrads artistic process weaves together "material mindmapping" and pattern tracing with personal reflections, academic research and investigative journalism.

 Originally from Germany, Jenny Konrad graduated from the master Non Linear Narrative at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. Currently they are exploring the role of the body in our increasingly virtualized and physically estranged capitalist culture to initiate connection between (self-)alienated body/minds towards a culture of communal care. They engage in topics of body-de-alienation, particularly "stimming", by drawing from (autistic) self- and community knowledge, self-care culture and care work professions, theoretically grounded in materialist feminism, crip-theory, disability justice and the Neurodiversity Paradigm. Through a focus on sensory perception and embodied cognition Konrad aims to find alternative ways beyond traditional and digital journalistic media, pushing the boundaries of storytelling and expanding towards a multi sensory cultural praxis.

Contact informatie

  • Jenny Konrad


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