Lynn (she/they) Clemens

A/Artist Project Assistant


Veggie Portrait. Lynn - Lynn chose the garlic. Sandra Ruiz Castroviejo

Hey, welcome to my profile! My name is Lynn, I go by she/they pronouns.

My background is filled with languages in high school, where I chose to study 6 languages (can you guess which?). Hint: I'm from Luxembourg (a small country that actually exists and... even has its own language!).

After this, I decided to move to Leiden to study Psychology (Bachelor), before doing my minor in Gender and Sexuality studies at University of Amsterdam. I am quite involved in feminism, queer, gender justice - and really all forms of justice as I believe it can only be achieved from an intersectional viewpoint.

In Amsterdam, I lived in beautiful ACTA. Please take a minute to check out my roommate's short documentary on the place to get a gist of why I'm in love with the place.

I am a tattoo enthusiast, check out my Instagram @delirious.tats and my tattoo person page

Before that, I already made jewellery on a small scale (@deliriumshop_).

Just before starting at Mediamatic, I did a study exchange in South Africa at Stellenbosch University, where I studied Photography, critical theories in Philosophy, South African History and Ancient Cultures. Most enriching experience of my life so far.


I was happy to be part of the A/artist Project as it perfectly combines my interests in Psychology and the arts. I organised round tables, wrote many blogposts and was involved in many other ways with the team here.

Mediamatic even trusted me with the freedom to explore my tattoo passion more in the context of autistic stimming. If you want to learn more about this, please read my article on the links between the tattoo culture and autism. And even more excitingly: I organised a workshop "Tattoo you Skin ~ Soothe your Mind" where I taught you how to tattoo yourselves! Keep an eye out on our workshop calendar.

After this internship, I will follow a Clinical Psychology Master to eventually become a psychotherapist. Moreover, I am looking to continue my workshops.

To contact me, either use my Instagram (@delirious.tats for stick and poke inquiries, @deliriumshop_ for jewellery inquiries, @lynn_clemens for personal inquiries).

Contact informatie

  • Lynn Clemens


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