Tanja Baudoin

Dead links

Despite what the title of this article suggests, these links do go somewhere!

Here you find a collection of links to websites that somehow are related to the topic of death. Leave a comment if you have other good suggestions.


Nil Nil #15 , by Shadi Ghadirian. - Image taken from Shadi Ghadirian's website.

Some art projects concerning death:

- Mission Eternity project by art corporation Etoy. Read more here.
- The digital monument Tot Zover Jij en Ik, also exists in physical form at the Dutch Uitvaart Museum Tot Zover. Comparable to Herinnerdingen.
- Eenzame Uitvaart: poets attending 'lonely funerals', of those who are without relatives or friends. The poet writes a poem for the deceased.
- The International Necronautical Society is a semi-fictional organisation founded by Tom McCarthy that generates artistic projects that explore the relations between death and representation.
- Terminals project: an early example of new media artists investigating death, ultimately manifested in a book/CD-ROM/web piece.

Services for relatives of the deceased:

- Hemelse Hapjes: a personal dinner of '7 eat & drink moments' designed to commemorate a deceased loved one.
- Dierbaar Online: service assisting relatives in taking care of all online affairs.

Some strange or funny death related affairs:

- Fun Bury: entertainer Jumping Eddie buries you alive for 30 minutes in his own backyard in Eexterveenschekanaal!
- Place your bets on which celebrity dies next at the online Derby Dead Pool
- Play Dead Pics presents several fake death stagings online.
- The Coffin show: EO public broadcasting presents a new show where the hosts conducts an interview by working together on designing a coffin

More reading on death:

- Who Killed Bambi is a great blog about the aesthetic dimensions of death in art
- The Morbid Anatomy blog surveys the interstices of art and medicine, death and culture.
- Daily Undertaker is blog offering excellent in-depth writings on all things surrounding death and funeral rituals around the world. By Patrick McNally.
- Longtime magazine Doodgewoon informs and amuses its readers about affairs with a deadly subject matter (Dutch)
- Digitaal Overleven contains many interesting articles about death, in Dutch
- An Haquier wrote her MA-thesis on online death notifications.