Giuseppe Riva

Associate Professor of Communication Psychology - Università Cattolica - Milan - Italy

Giuseppe Riva, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Communication Psychology at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy and Head Researcher of the the Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Laboratory - ATN-P Lab., Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Verbania Italy.

Giuseppe Riva, Ph.D., is Associate Professor (tenure position) of General Psychology and Communication Psychology at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy and Head Researcher of the the Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Laboratory - ATN-P Lab., Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Verbania Italy.

Riva has over 100 scientific publications and has given several invited lectures and presentations about the future of communication and media. According to the scientific databases PubMed/Medline and PsycInfo he is the scholar who authored the highest number of peer-reviewed scientific publications in the fields of “Virtual Reality” and “Ambient Intelligence” in the world.

He is also co-founder and co-chair of the Cybertherapy International Conference, to be held in conjunction with Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference. He has served on a European Committee tasked to investigate the use of Ambient Intelligence in health care and won the Honorable Mention (2nd position out of 117 projects) for the research theme “eHealth homecare and telemedicine tools and services for citizens“ at the eHealth Award 2004 (

Member of the New York Academy of Science and of the American Psychological Association, Riva is actually Editor in Chief for the “Emerging Communication” book series - - and for the on-line journal “Psychnology” - -, Associate Editor for the "CyberPsychology & Behavior" journal and Content Editor of the "International Journal of Virtual Reality".

He also maintains a website – -that received different awards and acknowledgements.

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  • Giuseppe Riva