

Love ur SMS!

Treasuremytext is an online SMS Storage service and SMS community.

Treasuremytext has a loyal following of users around the world who want to keep their treasured SMS messages. Treasuremytext is about to launch a new service for a new era of social mobile. Treasuremytext2 will make it easier than ever to keep your SMS and to do more with them.

Treasuremytext is a PICNIC Partner and is bringing SMS interactivity to the PICNIC Backchannel.

We're currently seeking a panel of design advisors and beta testers for an invite only global beta. Treasuremytext creators Paul Stringer and Katie Lips wil be at PICNIC throughout the week; if you want a demo give us a shout!

See the Treasuremytext Blog for more info.

Contact informatie

  • Treasuremytext
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