Lemmy-Boy Hoogendoorn

Visual communication and user experience designer.

During his studies Lemmy-Boy Hoogendoorn worked on various cultural and educational projects. One was a guideline booklet on how to create inspiration within a bureaucratic environment. At the end of his fourth and final year, Lemmy designed a full identity and several communication media for an event called Pressure Cooker. His graduation project was about how to design a gestural interface within a public environment and how to make it a valuable brand experience. The concept Lemmy described was very original and also took his skills and knowledge of design for interactive media to another level. The project was awarded cum laude.

Lemmy’s future looks bright, already having lined up a couple of interesting freelance assignments. He is also working on some big plans, like starting a design company together with his former classmate Joel Laumans. Lemmy knows this isn’t going to be easy, but it will definitely be a very challenging step into the future.

After completing his studies at the Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam, Lemmy studied Communication and Multimedia Design at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. This course is mainly about usability, visual interface and interaction design for new media. In the third and fourth year, Lemmy held internships positions at design studio NLXL and IN10 communication. With a minor in user experience design, Lemmy developed skills in designing for new media formats, on- and offline.


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  • Lemmy-Boy Hoogendoorn