ASPECT: The Chronicle of New Media Art, a biannual DVD publication


ASPECT: The Chronicle of New Media Art, a biannual DVD publication focuses on strengthening the field of contemporary new media art through the convergence of artists’ work and commentary by distinguished curators, critics, and historians, and has become a pioneer in the emerging area of new media art through distribution and education.


Cover of Aspect 13. - Image from Aspect Magazine.

ASPECT is currently seeking works for Volume 15: Influence and Reference. The genre of new media art is not without precedent or influence by previous art forms and mass media in general. This volume will focus on works that reference other genres, previous artworks by other artists, or concepts and practices outside traditional fine art. Such works of notable stature will be selected to become part of the Influence and Reference issue and will incorporate the ideas of power and allusion to artists’ works that transcend time and vehicle of expression.

The staff of ASPECT is asking artist/commentator pairs to submit proposals of time-based work. Commentators may be curators, historians, critics, or educators who can offer a distinct perspective on the work. Due to the format of the publication, the criteria for selection will include both the qualifications of the commentator and the quality of the work submitted. Audio recordings of the commentary will be assembled after the submissions have been selected.

Submissions should include:

- Video documentation of a work or small group of works by a single artist on the subject of Influence and Reference (no more than 15 minutes in length)
- A brief (100 word) statement regarding the submitted work
- Resume of the artist
- Contact information for the commentator and artist
- Resume of the commentator
- Brief notes outlining the proposed commentary with respect to the theme of Influence and Reference

Submissions must be received by AUGUST 1, 2009 and sent to:

ASPECT: The Chronicle of New Media Art
46 Waltham Street, Suite 103
Boston, MA 02118
*Do not require signature upon delivery!

All artists will be contacted via email regarding their submission no later than September 1, 2009.

For more information see the ASPECT FAQ.