Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Communist Carpenting
23jul 2022Meubelen van hoge kwaliteit die door iedereen kunnen worden gemaakt, met eenvoudig gereedschap en zonder speciale opleiding - dat was het idee achter Enzo Mari's ontwerpbenadering. Als eerbetoon aan...
Party Mediamatic Biotoop
Gentle Disco
26aug 2022A batch of mycelium bricks will come in again, so it's time for another ‘Gentle Disco’ to press them. Join us to dance on the mycelium while listening to some good music by DJ Huppeldepup , and...
Party Mediamatic Biotoop
Gentle Disco
30jun 2022A batch of mycelium bricks will come in again, so it's time for another ‘Gentle Disco’ to press them. Join us to dance on the mycelium while listening to some good vinyl tunes by Eros Risiglione...
Mediamatic Biotoop Arne Hendriks
Pigeon Cam
On the 7th of June 2022, almost two years after we first started learning how to build pigeon towers with waste mycelium, we introduced the first four squab (young pigeons) into their new living...
The Idea Becomes the Machine that Makes the Book
A/artist roundtable with Annelies Wina Doom
During our latest A/Artist discussion round, artist Annelies Wina Doom took us on a journey through her art work "Please do not touch, even clean hands can cause damage", from its conception to its...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet A Maker - Isaac Monté
8jun 2022Are you in need of some artistic input or discussion partner on your project? Isaac is open for a creative consultation and discussing ideas. Tickets / Facebook
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet A Maker - Isaac Monté
27mei 2022Are you in need of some artistic input or discussion partner on your project? Isaac is open for a creative consultation and discussing ideas. Tickets / Facebook
Mediamatic Biotoop
Open Costume Lab
W e are hosting an Open Costume Lab where we invite fashion designers, artists and complete beginners, to make costumes of amazing species from our ecosystem. There is room for experimentation and...
Mediamatic Biotoop
Smelling Like A Beast
with Frank Bloem
In this workshop, artist, and perfumer Frank Bloem will introduce you to the world of perfume making. You will learn the basics of scent composing and at the end of the workshop, you will have...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet A Maker - Margherita Soldati
17jun 2022Heeft u behoefte aan artistieke input of een gesprekspartner voor uw project? Margherita Soldati staat open voor een creatief consult en het bespreken van ideeën. Tickets / Facebook
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet A Maker - Margherita Soldati
1jan 4300Heeft u behoefte aan artistieke input of een gesprekspartner voor uw project? Margherita Soldati staat open voor een creatief consult en het bespreken van ideeën. Tickets/Facebook
We grew a new project nursery: Penny for your…
Project Nursery
There is something uniquely inspiring when looking into artistic processes that are still in progress: unpolished, experimental, and open-ended. Penny for your Thoughts is our project nursery
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Smelling Like Another Being
22jun 2022Kunnen we bewustwording creëren voor de diversiteit aan soorten in ons ecosysteem door te ruiken? In deze workshop verkennen we de verbazingwekkende geuren die onze natuurlijke wereld rijk is door de...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Smelling Like Another Being
25mei 2022Kunnen we bewustwording creëren voor de diversiteit aan soorten in ons ecosysteem door te ruiken? In deze workshop verkennen we de verbazingwekkende geuren die onze natuurlijke wereld rijk is door de...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Isaac Monté , In4Art
Prosthetic X
29apr 202212aug 2022“True beauty comes from within”, a statement that transcends the test of time and often grows stronger as we age. In parallel to this growing sense of beauty is the universal need to nurture...
Party Mediamatic Biotoop
Gentle Disco
27mei 2022A batch of mycelium bricks will come in again, so it's time for another ‘Gentle Disco’ to press them. Join us to dance on the mycelium while listening to some good music by DJ Huppeldepup , and...
Party Mediamatic Biotoop
Open Air Gentle Disco
28apr 2022A batch of mycelium bricks will come in again, so it's time for another ‘Gentle Disco’ to press them. Join us to dance on the mycelium while listening to some good music by invited DJ's, and...
Proposal by: Mario Mimoso
Floating Havens
Project Proposal: Regenerating city life
Floating Havens is a project aimed at regenerating life inside the urban landscape. Using Amsterdam’s canals as a way to gain land to the crowded and congested city streets, we want to dedicate these...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Smelling like another being
30apr 2022Kunnen we bewustwording creëren voor de diversiteit aan soorten in ons ecosysteem door te ruiken? In deze workshop verkennen we de verbazingwekkende geuren die onze natuurlijke wereld rijk is door de...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Freestyle Carpenting
23jul 2022High quality furniture that can be made by anyone, with simple tools and without special training – this was the idea behind Enzo Mari’s design approach. As a tribute to the work of the communist...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Self-Design Enzo Mari Furniture
4jun 2022Meubelen van hoge kwaliteit die door iedereen kunnen worden gemaakt, met eenvoudig gereedschap en zonder speciale opleiding - dat was het idee achter Enzo Mari's ontwerpbenadering. Als eerbetoon aan...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Freestyle Kintsugi
24apr 2022We hebben niet altijd alles onder controle. In deze workshop ondergaan de deelnemers de filosofie van kintsugi, die draait om het omarmen van imperfectie en onvolkomenheid. Je oefent met het...
Mediamatic Biotoop
Knit for Survival!
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet A Maker - Philipp Kolmann
8jul 2022Are you in need of some artistic input or discussion partner on your project? Philipp Kolmann is open for a creative consultation and discussing ideas. Tickets / Facebook