Your pee can power a lightbulb!
A team of English researchers has created an energy-generating urinal that could prove to provide illumination in disaster zones and refugee camps.
On bees and piss
riddle answer
Why is a honey bee like a men's urinal? Have you guessed the riddle yet?
Mediamatic Biotoop
Slimmere Manieren om Urine te Gebruiken
30apr 2015Pis komt nooit echt aan bod, als gespreksonderwerp. Wel bij Mediamatic. Wij presenteren: de allereerste Pis'talk, een serie lezingen die urine onderzoekt, in een brede culturele en contextuele zin.
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Workshop: Grow Your Own Oyster Mushrooms
23apr 2015It is said that the mushroom, and especially Mycelium has the potential to replace all sorts of (harmful) materials like plastics and batteries. Here at Mediamatic we are interested in the cultural...
Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde
Bio-design in textiles
18mei 2015Designers nowadays are increasingly making use of animal and vegetal materials in order to create radical new design concepts. (Micro)organisms, such as fungi, bacteria and algae, can be used to...
The art of peeing on walls
When a group of young friends are drinking on the streets, there inevitably comes a point where at least one of them needs to pee. For Theo Brandwijk the basic need originally inspired a friendly...
Ramses Bier
The Ramse Bier is a small brewery which brew unique beers with local products.
Mediamatic Biotoop
111 Plekken in Amsterdam die je gezien moet hebben
16apr 2015Graag nodigen we u uit voor de feestelijke presentatie van het nieuw verschenen boek 111 PLEKKEN IN AMSTERDAM DIE JE GEZIEN MOET HEBBEN door Bas van Lier, op donderdag 16 april. Dit boek is het...
Urinals not meant for men.
Remember standing in line for a hot, smelly porta potty for what seemed like hours, just because it was either that or a sneaky pee in the bushes? Well, never again: the Copenhagen-based design...
From pee to compost
It's getting spring and while the weather starts to get better, so is the overal feeling in the city's. There are festivals coming up! A lot of dancing, listening to music, camping, beer drinking and...
Peter Trimble
Furniture made out of sand, urine and bacteria.
Did you ever wonder about the power of your pee? Peter Trimble did. For his thesis project he investigated the possibilities of bacteria and the urea found in urine. What he found was a way to...
Public Convenience
Hygienic, Portable Urinals for Men AND Women
The team of UiWe have taken to the streets in hopes of improving the experience of outdoor bathrooms for event go-er's and all around urban convenience.
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Micro-Organismen Vormgeven
16apr 2015Hoe bewegen microben zich voort? Wat als je ze vormgeeft, kun je hun gedrag volgen? Deze Biotalk gaat over het bewegen van micro-organismen en het ervan visualiseren door middel van zowel animatie...
Portable urinals for women.
Shout out to all the ladies out there! Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you've really had "to go" and there as not been a convenient bathroom within reach? Maybe you were on a road...
Disruptive nightlights
A fluorescent stand against public urination
Putting a rather lustrous spotlight on a seemingly unnoticed problem in Madrid, Luzinterruptus took it upon themselves to draw attention to some people's use of the public spaces as personal...
Exhibition: Welcome to the Future!
19mrt 201526apr 2015In 2015 iMAL in Brussels will present a series of exhibitions, workshops and symposiums on Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age, in collaboration with PACKED, Centre of Expertise in Digital Heritage.
Welcome to the future past!
Mediamatic part of Belgian exhibition.
In 2015 iMAL in Brussels will present a series of exhibitions, workshops and symposiums on Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age, in collaboration with PACKED , Centre of Expertise in Digital Heritage.
A Lab
FIBER Festival 2015 – The Subterranean
15mei 201516mei 2015A symposium, exhibition, meetup, performance & club night bringing together artists, designers and theorists. Exploring hidden digital worlds.
It's Electric!
Electric pee in Rio de Janeiro
Every year the city of Rio de Janeiro has to deal with the same reoccurring problem. The many people at the Carnival pee in the streets. With this in mind, AfroReggae and JWT came up with a way to...
Open Oproep Ontwerpen aan Voedselregio's
4mei 2015Het Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie roept ontwerpers op voorstellen in te dienen die de ruimtelijke consequenties van een duurzame, geïntegreerde voedselketenbenadering onderzoeken en in beeld...
V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media
Bio+Art Community MeetUp
7mei 2015On May 7th, V2_ is hosting its first Bio+Art Community MeetUp. For everyone who is interested in the symbiotic relation between art and the life sciences.
Bart Mulder
Graphic Design
Currently I am studying graphic design at the HKU (university of the Arts Utrecht). My work arises mainly from fascinations, research and concept. I'm interested in New media and technologies.
A short introduction to the Bio Art Supplies Shop
The Bio Art Supplies Shop will be a sale and exhibitions space open to anybody with an interest to learn, experiment and work in the field of bio-technology.