Independent game studio
BlewScreen is een onafhankelijke game studio gevestigd in Tilburg, in het midden van de Benelux. Onze games zijn te ervaren op verschillende festivals, evenementen en soms zelfs online. Onze...
Independent game studio
Vlambeer is a young Dutch gamedesign studio made up of Rami Ismail and Jan Willem Nijman, aiming to bring back arcade gaming. Together they make the best games they can using precise game design
Book Launch Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Public Preparation Book Launch
9dec 2010Public Preparation is a collaboration between different art institutions and cultural producers. This book is the documentation of that project, and produces the contextual framework for the...
Arcade Extra
Additional information about the Arcade project
On this page you will find information about the Arcade exhibition team, images and videos, press releases and more.
Wai Kin
Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Building Arcade 3
15dec 2010Woensdag 15 december nodigen we gamers, verzamelaars, ontwerpers en liefhebbers van games uit om ideeën en verhalen uit te wisselen. We bespreken de mooiste arcadekasten, de eerste handhelds en de...
Maaike Holvast
Maaike Holvast (1973) groeide op in Utrecht maar verhuisde op haar 18de naar Amsterdam om Economie te studeren aan de UVA. Via dat vak kwam ze uiteindelijk bij mode management (AMFI) en vervolgens...
Jens Dyvik
Freelance designer
Jens is the owner of DyvikDesign, based in Eindhoven and Oslo.
De Unie
Products that Live
6dec 2010Ontwerpen voor de toekomst, hoe doe je dat? ‘Speculative design’ komt voort uit speculatieve toekomstvisies met de wetenschap als uitgangspunt. Jack Mama, Philips Design, onthult welke ‘future...
History of Gaming
An incomplete overview
The first human-computer interaction took place in 1951. Now, almost sixty years later, we're in an age of ubiquitous computing, a state of constant connection. What hasn't changed, is our desire to...
Ontwerp Mediamatic!
Mediamatic neemt deel aan Edits
Edits is een tijdelijke expositie op het Centraal Station, waarbij ontwerpers en illustratoren zich laten inspireren door culturele instellingen in Amsterdam. Een initiatief van n8.
Jarrik Muller
Graphic designer
Jarrik Muller is an Amsterdam-based design studio specialized in printed media, creative concepts, art direction, graphic design and typography.
Mar-Ina Uhrig
Remko Siemerink
... is the title on Remko's business card. But his daily activities at work are a bit more diverse, so he prefers using the word 'designer' when quickly having to explain people what he does. Remko...
PDZ* grote zaal
Boekpresentatie 'De Spontane Stad'
26nov 2010De lancering van een gedurfd stadsmanifest. Urhahn Urban Design pleit voor lokale vindingrijkheid en flexibiliteit om de discussie over nieuwe stedenbouw aan te wakkeren.
Level 1: Sensor Fest
Mediamatic's interactive ikInstallations
ikBijt, ikStaar, Wow! and more. These are the ikInstallations featuring in the Arcade exhibition.
Mattijs Blekemolen
Coordinator (international) relations at Communication and Multimedia Design Amsterdam
Coordinator (International) Relations at Communication and Multimedia Design Amsterdam (Hogeschool van Amsterdam). Our students design interactive media products and services.
Dev Camp Day 3
Camilo and Thjeu are essential in making the projects work. They brought their own tools and are building the (wooden) frames to house the installations.
Day 4: Manufacturing Hardware
Multithreaded Banjo Dinosaur Knitting Adventure 2D Extremeeeee
The knitting machine is busy knitting the custom designed sprites created through the ikCam terminal. But the team is not done yet.
Dennis Acquaye
Gathering and sharing aesthetic knowledge.
Multithreaded Banjo Dinosaur Knitting Adventure…
Dev Camp Day 2
This exquisitely named project is based on the tapisserie de bayeux. This large rectangular carpet told the history of the Battle of Hastings that raged during the 11th century.
Duco Volker
Fotograaf en (interactieve) media produkties.