30mrt 20061apr 2006What is interesting, what will not break immediately, and what actually has an added value beyond an exclamation for the coolness of the technology? A conference about what to pick, when, for...
Galerie Fons Welters
Continuing Performance
18mrt 200622apr 2006Job Koelewijn and his monumental works of temporal significance. Opening: Saturday March 18th, 17:00.
Sugar Factory
salonUSSR meets Moskow Diskow
17mrt 2006RIGA-91, Novye Komporitory, Exchpoptrue, Monte La Rue, Goldfinger, Dima Solomkine and Akla. From Russia and around, dirty bubble gum electro trash, film and other sounds.
The Dana Centre
19mei 200620mei 2006For DJs, VJs, DVJs, VDJs, digital artists, sound designers, audiovisualizers, visual audiocreators, and much more from the same category.
Royal College of Art
Design Species
23mrt 2006With lectures by Tony Dunne (Interaction design, RCA), Usman Haque (Bartlett School of Architecture), Philippe Rahm (Decosterd & Rahm) and Kas Oosterhuis (TU Delft) on emergent positions of design
4apr 20065apr 2006Speakers include Roger Malina (MIT press), Paul Stringer & Katie Lips (Kisky Net Media), Gill Henderson (FACT), Clive Gillman (ITEM), Michael Eakin (Arts Council England) and many others. On funding
Exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
Le Mépris
18mrt 200630apr 2006Le Mépris was een tentoonstelling gemodelleerd naar Jean-Luc Godard's gelijknamige film uit 1963. Met werk van Yoko Ono, Marlene Dumas, Mai Ueda, Lars Eijssen en vele anderen.
Emmy Miltenburg
Post & Matsuo
11mrt 20062apr 2006Opening: Saturday March 11th, 16:00. Floor length embroideries of men and trees on silk and tablecloths from grandma which are years old and covered in telling stains and folds. Joost Post and...
On either side
9mrt 200617mrt 2006Opening: Thursday March 9th, 20:00. An artist's look at what the media calls reality: a collection of newspaper images, selected on the criteria of taking sides.
KC Belgie
Habitat and Utopia, Quotes and Chronicles.
4mrt 2006With films by Bernhard Marsch, Shelly Silver, Michael Gibson & the Jacksons, AL + AL, Mike Mills, Volko Kamensky and others, and the stage will be filled by the Idea Fire Company, Ignatz, My Cat is...
Galerie Schijnheilig
Heidi Happy and Mac vs PC
4mrt 2006Featuring Heidi Happy (CH), Mac vs PC (soundfuckers), Matik and NIELS KWADRAAT. The space will still be hung with work from students of the Rietveld academy, an exhibition lasting until the 11th of...
Exhibition: Stedelijk Museum
Art Games and Reality
9mrt 200618jun 2006Starring Brody Condon, Gamekings, Persijn Broersen and Margit Lukacs, Joes Koppers
Screening: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
>50% beeld
7mrt 20067mrt 2006New works from the collection Start 8.30 pm, entrance 3,50 / 2,50
Exhibition: PAKT
3mrt 200626mrt 2006Sanja Medic and Bojan Fajfric, Isaac Carlos
Asta Kat
Asta is the office manager of Virtueel Platform. She actually graduated as an art teacher, but does not want to teach (yet). She makes paintings and photographs and sings in a nice project called...
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Curious little sister throws a meteorite
24feb 2006The second part of curious little sister cuts for purpose by Stealth, a project that researches how urban dynamics can find their way into museum spaces. With lectures and other custom made custom...
Sustainability and Contemporary Art
30mrt 200631mrt 2006Can we apply human creativity to find solutions to the environmental issues that are luring? What is sustainable art, and how can art survive environmental restrictions? Can environmentalist and...
Het Gebouw
Geometry in free space
26feb 2006A lecture on the work of dance and movement theoretician Rudolf von Laban and dance teacher George Ivanovitch Gurdhjieff by Anna Carlisle and Maja Moser, followed by a lecture by art historian Norman...
11feb 200610mrt 2006Scrollbars is an installation of 40 vertical scrollbars, each moving according to its own algorithm and crashing into the floor, where it produces a specific sound in space.
Mediamatic Post CS
practicum 06a concert 3
17feb 2006Featuring James Beckett, Thomas Dypdahl, Morten J. Olsen, Koen Nutters en de Friendly Boys
Artefact Festival
13feb 200618feb 2006With Mateusz Herczka's Life Support Systems: Vanda , software presentations by Casey Reas and Bas van Koolwijk, Lifeform: Telekinetics by Michelle Teran and Jeff Mann, a ~scape label night, Maryanne...
Dorkbot Berlin
6feb 2006A day of geek art running simultaneously with the transmediale week of geek art. This time, dorkbot's series of geek art project presentations will be hosted by Jussi Angesleva who is a concept...
Centre d'Art Santa Mònica
Días de Bioarte'06
15feb 200617feb 2006Tissue engineering art projects and other capsule works will be on display together with a series of keynotes by Jens Hauser, curator of l'Art Biotech, the first biotech art show in Nantes 2003
24mrt 200626mrt 2006With the third version of Cockroach controlled robot , Nervous by Markus Lerner, a large version of 44/13 by Mateusz Herczka, The washing powder conspiracy by Pipslab, and also Addictive TV, Jeff...