Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten Vormgeving en Bouwkunst
Toekenning 026
23sep 200521okt 2005A series of exhibitions, only linked by the fact that they were all subsidized by Fonds BKVB and they all traveled to China not so very long ago.
De Balie
Resfest Amsterdam/Rotterdam
7okt 20059okt 2005The reels will finally stop between London and Paris to make sure the Dutch stay educated. The Dutch Resfest will also feature a special Best of Dutch Mix.
Tribeca Performing Arts Center (TPAC)
15sep 200518sep 2005With director presentations, panels, lots of movies and (drumroll, please) SIMIAN MOBILE DISCO as the closing act, their dj act finally being somewhere else than the strip joint in Puddleton, England.
One minute awards 2005
13nov 2005A group of filmmakers with the talent of getting to the point present their ultra shorts during the one minute award competition.
Exhibition: Galerie Paul Andriesse
Luisa Lambri
3sep 200515okt 2005Nieuw werk
Exhibition: Galerie Fons Welters
3sep 20058okt 2005Werk van 9 pas afgestudeerde kunstacademiestudenten en een solotentoonstelling van Pieter Dobbelsteen
Loods 6
SAK Stadsgezichten 2
2sep 200518sep 2005Schilderijen over bouwputten van vijftig Amsterdamse kunstenaars, waaronder twee grote doeken van Baukje Spaltro. Georganiseerd door de Samenwerkende Amsterdamse Kunstenaarsverenigingen.
26aug 200528aug 2005A container dumped on the Museumplein with lots of videoart and also a special corner dedicated to Erwin Olaf.
Amsterdam, Nederland
Me, myself and I
12aug 20051sep 2005An exposition dedicated to the self portrait, open for entries until the 1st of September. The exposition will be curated by Irina Birger.
Voormalige Rechtbank
6aug 2005Throughout August, Impakt will be screening an array of films every Saturday evening at 21:00, curated by a different authority each time.
Presentation: Mediamatic Post CS
A Secret Service Opening
15jul 200515jul 2005Op deze avond was de opening van A Secret Service exhibition bij Mediamatic. Een paar drankjes, muziek en bovenal VEILIGHEID waren de top prioriteit van deze avond.
Top Spot
4aug 2005A screening of Tracey Emin's film on adolescent girls in Margate, the artist's home town. Boys, slags and sex, and Tracey Emin herself feature in this loss of innocence versus tourism flick.
Robodock 05
21sep 200524sep 2005The festival with installation art and spectacle, drillcore and robots, performance and design is back in town.
Damoclash Festival
1sep 2005Even after being evicted from Pakhuis Afrika, the Damoclash endeavor continues, this time moved from park to onboard the Stubnitz.
Exhibition: MU De Witte Dame
3sep 20052okt 2005Installatie van Han Hoogerbrugge
I am 118
28jul 2005Celebration of Marcel Duchamp's 118th birthday
Technical Solutions for Art Installations
Kees Reedijk, participant at the workshop Triggered by RFID 2005
Vive la France
16jun 200518jul 2005Een zomerse verkoopexpositie met producten op het gebied van mode en wonen, met o.a. tafellakens, kleding, knuffels, kleine meubels en kussenhoezen.
Face-liften van gebalsemde lijken
Over De Rijke en de Rooij's film "Mandarin Ducks"
uit het graf van het Nederlands Toneel. Proloog Hoe kun je nadenken naspelen? Dit is een kort aspect van goed toneel: ieder beweging en ieder gebaar staat voor iets anders. Eenvoudig toch? Dus zelfs...
Witte de With
Occupying Space
7jul 200528aug 2005Private photograph collection Generali accessible. With work by Martha Rosler, Dan Graham, Franz West, Valie Export, Hans Haacke, Allan Sekula and others. Opening Thursday 7th of June, 17:30 at TENT.
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Schiphol
Dutch Windmills, Art and Industry
16aug 200513dec 2005Typical dutch windmills as seen by the painters Gabrïel, Roelofs and Jongkind, and also a few ingenious eighteenth century models.
Mediamatic Post CS
Alter ego/ Self portrait Salon
11jul 2005Het was een avond van film, mode en presentaties. Met presentaties van Twan Janssen, Bastiaan Franken, Julie Peeters en Brigitte Hendrix.
Presentation: Muthesius Kunsthochschule
13jul 200516jul 2005The Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel (Germany) runs its annual presentation of graduate design projects. Drawing from a long standing tradition in industrial and communication design, this year's...
Exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
A Secret Service
15jul 200521aug 2005asecretservice.org Een project van Sasker Scheerder ism Olaf Matthes