Eline Ermens
Well, hello.
I used to work as a project manager for the foundation Mediamatic.
interactive drip of water
hi-tech meets non-tech
Presented at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy graduation show 2009
Susanne van Straaten
Nederlands Kanker Instituut
Transcriptions 1-6 by James Beckett
16jun 2009In progress over the last year and a half, ‘Transcriptions 1-6’ is a commissioned work for the Cancer Research Institute of the Netherlands (NKI - AVL). An installation for the staircase of the new...
Maurizio Montalti
designer, researcher and creative explorer
Maurizio is a designer concerned with a thorough, trans-disciplinary, research-based practice, whose work addresses social and environmental challenges. Using design and art as tools to investigate...
VU Medische Centrum en Liefde in de Stad Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) Joost Janmaat / Partizan Publik
Polikliniek voor Liefde en Liefdesverdriet
6jun 20096jun 2009Liefde in de Stad en VU medisch centrum openen op zaterdag 6 juni een Polikliniek voor Liefde en Liefdesverdriet. Deze eenmalige polikliniek is een aanzet tot liefdesdiagnostiek en onderzoekt de...
Graduation Bouquet
annex Publicity Plant
On July 1st 2009 Sander Veenhof (1973) is graduating from the Gerrit Rietveld art academy in Amsterdam. To color up that occasion and to attract attention to himself in an overly busy contemporary...
Sebastian Klemm
De Veemvloer
Medical Body
27feb 20091mrt 2009Medical Body bestaat uit vijf video installaties die elk afzonderlijk ingaan op de relatie tussen het persoonlijke lichaam en het lichaam als een medisch onderwerp. Aan de hand van de dialectische...
Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Deadly Medicine
13mrt 200919jul 2009The National Socialist regime made the race issue the key theme of its health and demographic policy in 1933. By 1945, 400,000 people had undergone forced sterilization and in Germany and Austria...
Bending the Cosmos
28feb 200928mrt 2009TORCH Gallery is pleased to present Bending the Cosmos, the third solo exhibition of US painter Terry Rodgers in the Netherlands. Bending the Cosmos will open in the presence of the artist on...
V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media
Test_Lab: Artistic Interfaces
12mrt 2009In this edition of Test_Lab, the outcome of artistic experiments in (counter-) intuitive Artistic Interfaces will be elaborated upon by interaction designer and researcher Kristina Andersen, and...
Commentaar Kiki on Steroids! tentoonstelling
Oorspronlijk geschreven op post-its
Hier volgen wat commentaren die zijn achtergelaten door de bezoekers van de Kiki on Steroids! tentoonstelling.
Valentijn Kattenfestijn
14feb 200914feb 2009In het Basisburo vindt op 14 februari het ‘Valentijn Kattenfestijn’ plaats. Het Valentijn Katten Festijn is een speciale gelegenheid waarop nabestaanden, kunstliefhebbers, poezenverzamelaars en...
I'm Evelyn's cat
ronald van der Meijs
beeldend kunstenaar op het gebied van installatie, object en geluid kunst.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Eduardo Pinillos
Communication consultor at Ibermuseus
From Sept´09 to March´10 I was the editor of the Mediamatic Travel website. In that half a year I took care of it and kept it neat for you. Now I live in Brasilia. After a period in the culture...
aldje van Meer
Media designer / artist / teacher / educational researcher. Currently she is working as a teacher and education reseacher/developer at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. She is co-founder of...
Degger Brian
webtraffic controlled plant growth
7 plants representing 7 continents - an 'auto-interactive' installation
A improvisational greenhouse in Kolderveen hosted 7 plants representing the 7 world continents during november and december 2008. Light and water for each plant were directly dependent on web-traffic...
Med Nation
And now for something completely different!