Public space, Urban planning and Citizens' Revolt - Istanbul
Why people are demonstrating in Istanbul?
Zevende MediamaticSalon 1999 Societeit Baby
Mediamatic@BABY #7
5sep 1999Joost Hoekstra en Erik Hoogendorp vertelden over hun Data/Decors project, Thomas Vorter presenteerde zijn scriptie over de Kirgiezen en als extraatje kreeg het publiek de leukste sites te zien uit...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Favelous presents: Tapas weekend
9aug 2013Our Italian chef went Spanish. With help from cook Sito Van der Cruz he prepared full plates of summery, tasty, sharable tapas. On the menu was: Tortilla, Salmorejo, Boquerones, Manchego, Jamón Duroc
Storm Space
Indoor Vrijmarkt
18aug 2013Lounging, shopping, food, art & nice people at the monthly Indoor Vrijmarkt at Storm Space! 450m2 vintage, handmade, design, art, books, records, food, spirituality & music. Tunes by dj Lester Nero.
Hearing (our) History - Writing the Future
Sound Art installation inviting listeners/audience to reflect on how we turn our lived and heard experience into documentation: writing, sharing, translating into language.
Set-Up: A quadraphonic sound installation system will be set up in Mediamatic and will play the sound piece Phonemic Resistance as well as excerpts from interviews made at the Dutch Support for...
PARK Participant
Ellen Harder
Organizer community projects - Artist - Workshops
Tijdens het studeren van Fine Arts in Enschede en Zwolle besefde mijn passie niet ligt in het maken van kunst maar in de organisatie er om heen. Zodoende hou ik mij op dit moment bezig met...
Park Frankendael
Eat-in de Moestuin van Youth Food Movement
25aug 2013Na het succes van vorig jaar organiseert YFM ook dit jaar weer een eat-in in de YFMoestuin. Iedereen is welkom om de tuin te komen verkennen en tegelijkertijd te komen genieten van heerlijk eten
human chain consulate
to create a self serving community with the gezi spirit in mind and with the network in hand. information and help central for turkish immigrants.
A Collective Meal
Bring and share...
A large eat&drink event where all people of Amsterdam will be invited to bring food&drinks and share them with all others...
Çapul expierences from Taksim Gezi Park..
Sharing experiences, memorys with pictures and videos of chapullers from Taksim.. Active debate, brainstorming with music from çapul band
De Balie
Nederland Feestjesland
23sep 2013Waar komt ons verlangen naar samen gedragen, vaak onbeheersbare emotie, toch vandaan? Welke rol spelen de media in het instigeren en opkloppen van die volkswoede of -vreugde?
Mediamatic Fabriek
What's on your mind?
16jul 2013We had a fruitful first brainstorming session last week. This Tuesday we reconvened to discuss ideas regarding NL-based initiatives dealing with the Turkish protests. This is only the beginning, so...
Gallery Aferro
Activate: Market Street
12jul 201320aug 2013Open call for all artists who want to display their work for exposure!
NeighbourFood Market
28jul 2013For people who like traditional food and enjoying it together. This monthly market is a place where caterers, biological farmers, bakers, butchers, local chefs, cheese makers, juice specialists
Gezi tree
start growing a tree with visitors watering etc. and plant it somewhere at the end
Art installation Efe
Stigma Tunnel
A tunnel where the traveler is exposed to all the ugliness that protestors have been branded with
A dark place transmitting all bad emotions born from the adversity, alienation and branding that the gezi protesters encountered gradually by their government and it's supporters.
Broken Heart
A giant foam heart in two pieces, that can be stitched together again by visitors. One stitch at a time. It represents the split public and should symbolise a means of mending our troubles.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Çapulcu Tuesday #1
9jul 2013We had a public brainstorming session about what can be done for Turkey from here in Amsterdam. Who needs a stage and how can we make a message heard? We decided to let the various artistic, social
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
7jul 201329sep 2013In de zomertentoonstelling Open City staat de openbare ruimte centraal: de plaats waar mensen samen komen en waar democratie gestalte krijgt.
Workshop '99/'00 Societeit Baby
Gedrag Ontwerpen
10apr 199929jul 2000Volgend op de serie 'Auteur in Nieuwe Media' workshops, organiseerde Mediamatic in '99/'00 een serie workshops over 'Gedrag Ontwerpen'.
Open Coop
Zo niet, dan toch!
29jun 2013The mobile hackathon will take place 2 months before the festival Zo niet, dan toch. Amsterdam Noord will transform into a temporary creative lab in public and virtual space. Zo niet, dan toch!
Workshop '98/'99 Mediamatic School, Prins Hendrikkade 192
Auteur in Nieuwe Media
6jun 19986jun 1999In 1998 en 1999 organiseerde Mediamatic een serie workshops waarbij schrijvers, kunstenaars, theoretici en vormgevers samenwerkten om artistieke, redactionele en inhoudelijke mogelijkheden van het...