Trying to fix things that people can't figure out how to use...
zeljko blace
inconsistently working in(-between) fields of contemporary arts/culture, digital technologies and sport... cross-pollinating queer, media, social activism/research/production
Shelley Bernstein
Shelley is the Manager of Information Systems at the Brooklyn Museum. Since 1999 she has worked to further the Museum's community-oriented mission through projects including free public wireless...
Egbert Bleyenburg
Co-owner Zeezeilen, Internet Specialist, projectmanager
Henrik Rudstrom
Multidisciplinary Industrial Designer
Brian Elstak
Radna Rumping
open museum, online radio, come on feet
With a background in journalism, I currently work as adviser and curator in different fields of art, music culture and media. I also make a weekly radio show, called Future Vintage, on Red Light...
Erik Stronks
cultureel ondernemer, docent en theatermaker. Schrijft eigen weblog op www.culturehacking.nl en komt naar Kom Je Ook? om verslag te leggen voor Menno Heling/MM Nieuws
Sjoerd Jaarsma
Op het moment werkzoekend in de cultuur- en erfgoedsector. Voormalig directeur en oprichter van PACE, een erfgoedstichting die zich bezig houdt met het digitaal ontsluiten van het erfgoed uit Papua
it's not that kind
utrecht 'art meets science' commutiny
it's not that kind of organization
Steve Elbers
Programmamanager Cultuur & Sociale Cohesie
Open minds!!
Anne Vroegop
Projectleider e-cultuur
Anne is projectleider e-cultuur bij Erfgoed Nederland. Zij zorgt ervoor dat meer erfgoed instellingen innoveren en experimenteren met nieuwe media.
Torch Gallery
Simon Henwood
TORCH Gallery is proud to present Gallant Company, the first solo exhibition in the Netherlands by British multi- disciplinary visual artist Simon Henwood. Gallant Company showcases a selection of...
Nina Simon
I design museum experiences to make them more participatory, social, dynamic, relevant spaces.
You can learn more about me and my work here * .
emotional analytical schizophrenic aroused by arty techy environments
Willen Haarlem leuker beter mooier en creativer maken
Trans Artists
Your best source of artist-in-residence opportunities
Trans Artists informs artists of any discipline about international artist-in-residence programs and other opportunities for artists to stay and work elsewhere 'for art's sake'.
Rita Niland
Meer hier: [url blogger.xs4all.nl/ritanila ] of Google rita niland of ritanila
Creativiteit op straat
1nov 2008Op zaterdagmiddag 1 november wordt de design biennale ExperimentaDesign Amsterdam 2008 feestelijk afgesloten. In een slotdebat wordt de balans opgemaakt van zes weken vrije creativiteit in de stad.
Connie Franssen
Children of Roena
Photo report
During the fantastic night of the Children of Roena, Daria Perevezentsev made sure everything was well captured with these great photos!
Esther Herberts
Webmarketeer Naturalis Leiden