Tunc Topcuoglu

Super Helal Döner Shop

Tunc ging op zoek gaat naar de beste Döner Kebab in Noord.


'Super Helal Doner shop' door Tunc Topcuoglu - Robert Keil


'Super Helal Doner shop' by Tunc Topcuoglu - Tunc has track down the best Kebab in Noord, dressed up as a cow, and worked together with the store owner to shoot a short film. Tunc Topcuoglu

Wat betekent SUPER HELAL? 'SUPER HELAL is center of multiculture, center of understanding, center of fun, center of friendship, center of love.' Na het opstellen van de SUPER HELAL-waarden in Istanbul, zocht Tunc in Noord naar de dönershop die dit keurmerk waardig is en bracht deze SUPER HELAL Döner Shop naar naar tentoonstelling Noord. Tijdens de opening van Noord, gingen er vele Super Helal Döners over de toonbank.


'Super Helal Doner shop' door Tunc Topcuoglu - 'Super Helal' installation made by tunctunctunc for the Noord exhibition at the Mediamatic Bank. SUPER HELAL is an online documentary. Tunc scoured Noord for the best Doner Kebab. What does SUPER HELAL mean? "SUPER HELAL is center of multiculture, center of understanding, center of fun, center of friendship, center of love." Tunc set up an actual Super Helal Doner shop at Mediamatic Bank. SUPER HELAL is een online documentaire, waarin Tunc op zoek gaat naar de beste Döner Kebab in Noord. Wat… Robert Keil

In de documentaire die deze shop wordt getoond, worden meer inzichten over SUPER HELAL onthuld. In een interview verklaarde Tunc zijn werk nader.