Zoot Derks

Master Artistic Research UvA


zootderks.jpg - Zoot Derks (1961) New Medium Artist; Initiating art collectives; STORT- Artporn- ZootenGenant- ZOOT Ateliers 63 -independent artists' institute- graduated in 1987 2007-2009 participating; Master Artistic Reseach UvA

Zoot invites you
19 feb and 01 march 2009
to the exhibition in W139

"The Best of both Worlds"

Zoot Derks
Joa Hug
Zbigniew Maciak
Imke Ruigrok
Vital Stahievitc

19 th february 20.00
OPENING with performances, lectures, concert, presentations

1 march from 14 hours
you may witness the Mars Project Pre- enactmant
(Zoot and Jeanette travel to Utah in a secret mission with astronauts)

act 1 Frontline Observations
act 2 Images of the Absence
act 3 Anomic Training
act 4 Inauculation Sequence
act 5 Pre enactment

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Contact informatie

  • Zoot Derks
  • Kloveniersburgwal 108
  • 1012CZ
  • Amsterdam
  • NL