Winkelcentrum Polderplein joop de Boer, Jeroen Beekmans Pecha Kucha on the Road 28 nov 2009 - The very special Slideshow Olympics! On Saturday (November 28) we will be organizing a very special Pecha Kucha on the Road at the annual art festival of Haarlemmermeer. Theme of the festival is sustainability, but Pecha Kucha is just.
Winkelcentrum Polderplein joop de Boer, Jeroen Beekmans Pecha Kucha on the Road 28 nov 2009 - The very special Slideshow Olympics! On Saturday (November 28) we will be organizing a very special Pecha Kucha on the Road at the annual art festival of Haarlemmermeer. Theme of the festival is sustainability, but Pecha Kucha is just.