

Presented by Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre

3 May 2007
6 May 2007

The issue is, what has ensued during the generational time span of 20-25 years and how prepared were and are parents to provide the necessary educational, emotional, spiritual, physical and economic assets required for the development of the oncoming generations?

An international, intercultural community of persons engaged in achieving increasing understanding and cooperation between individuals and groups in support of democratic procedures and the elimination of violence, religious, ethnic and gender persecution, youth exploitation, homophobia and racial hatred through the process of art, education, culture and dialogue. What have been the experiences, accomplishments and perhaps inabilities of the parent generation and how will this equation impact upon the newcomers entering the world?

The constant quest for human development is hopefully not supplanted by neglect, personal or societal and therefore the challenge for each generation; are they prepared for their "turn" at the wheel of anticipated progress? How does each generation cope with the accomplishments and deficiencies from the previous generation, when the baton is passed to the next group competing in the relay race of human existence?

Despite the challenge of societal imbalance to the generations, hope and effort remain the constant vision leading to improvement accompanied and reinforced by determination and possible occurrences of "good luck," to assist the generations and their offspring, neighbors and other members of the human family, towards as high a societal level as possible, in order to preserve, protect and project the present and succeeding generations into positions of leverage thereby enabling them to confront the vicissitudes of life, manmade or otherwise.

This progress also involves the concept of sacrifice, and postponing gratification in order to utilize the human and material resources available, as a platform for each generation to benefit from and hence assume their positions in the world and advance the human cycle. We trust the XXII. Black International Cinema Berlin 2007 is a contributing factor in providing some of the resources necessary to enable the present and future generations to assume a leading position in their constructive contributions to the constant relay race of life.