Mediamatic Magazine
Mediamatic was founded in 1983 as a meeting place for media, television and video artists, intellectuals and scientists. After a while the first Mediamatic Magazine was published; a magazine about media, art and television that was published internationally. It acquired a legendary status among those interested in the discussion around new media. From 1994 and onwards every issue was accompanied CD-ROM/DVD-ROM art.
Mediamatic Off-line
When the Mediamatic website launched in 2000, the paper version of the Mediamatic Magazine was followed up by Mediamatic Off-line. Mediamatic Off-line(compared to On-Line) was an irregular series of publications, always having an autonomic artistic project as subject which could be viewed on the CD/DVD-ROM. Famous and renowned CD-ROMs by Gerald van der Kaap, JoDi and Florian Thalhofer were published by Mediamatic. The last of the Medimatic Off-Line issues appeared in 2007.