Toby Huddlestone


“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

23 Kas 2008
13 Ara 2008
  • 16:00 -16:00

I AM COMEDY is a multi-location project that combines residency, exhibition and screenings curated by Toby Huddlestone.


Bedwyr Williams -

We are Comedy and I am Comedy investigate artists who involve themselves explicitly as either narrator or actor to explore the human condition and their own identity through humour. This seemingly optimistic means of surviving by simply laughing at life is somewhat more tragic deep down. All the artist’s selected have one thing in common – they want to make us laugh at their interventions and attempts to understand the everyday.

Freud believed that humour often acts as a cover up for deeper, more tragic psychological states. Many of the artists in this project use humour as a diversion for more hidden philosophies – nihilistic and futile in the case of Wood and Harrison, Nim-jo Chung and Juanan Eguiguren, buoyant and celebratory in the case of Frank Koolen and Voss and Souden and social and political through the work of Olaf Breuning, Tellervo and Oliver Kalleinen and Otto Karvonen.


with Olaf Breuning, Nim-jo Chung, Juanan Eguiguren, Oliver and Tellervo Kalleinen, Otto Karvonen, Frank Koolen, Roy Voss and Tom Souden, Bedwyr Williams
Worm, Rotterdam: Wednesday 12.11.08 @ 20:30 (doors 19:30)
W139, Amsterdam: Thursday 13.11.08 @ 20:30 (doors 19:30)
HMK (Hotel MariaKapel): Saturday 13.12.08 @ 16:00


with: Nim-jo Chung, Juanan Eguiguren, Frank Koolen, Bedwyr Williams
HMK (Hotel MariaKapel), Korte achterstraat 2a, Hoorn, Nederlands
Preview/Opening: Sunday 23.11.08 @ 16:00
Opening hours: 23.11.08 – 14.12.08, Thu-Fri 18:00-21:00, Sat-Sun 14:00-17:00

for more info see projectblog: