Test_Lab: What Crisis?!

9 Tem 2009

A young generation's artistic view on our current conditions and ways of living. Opening by Mieke Gerritzen, Respondent: Koert van Mensvoort, Closing performance: TokTek vs DJ MNK


testlab_crisis.jpeg - Joris van Ballegooijen

Newspaper headlines report that our world is in crisis, but while the front page illustrates how bad the global situation is, a few pages down, positive tongues claim that the current global crisis provides us with unprecedented opportunities for creative technological innovation, social transformation, revisions of financial systems, environmental change, and entrepreneurship. But did we really need this crisis to generate these opportunities?! We think not. Our world is continuously in crisis, and therefore constantly requires critical reflection and rethinking. However, as the world’s future is said to be in the hands of the truly creative and critical thinkers, we are more than willing to soothe away any worries about the crisis by revealing a whole new generation of artists’ and designers’ views on the current state of affairs.

While elsewhere the crisis is being tackled by young scientists, policy makers, and entrepreneurs, through initiatives such as think tanks and campaigns, in this edition of Test_Lab, V2_ will create its own special think-tank for young artists to address issues of a world in crisis with artistic reflection and creative vision. In order to do so, V2_ has made a selection of several outstanding graduation projects from this past academic year, that were proposed for the program by teachers and coordinators from various European art and design academies. The demonstrated works will lay out a young generation’s artistic view on our current conditions and ways of living: Featuring a truly objective coin-flipper, a revolutionary strategy for urban gardening, the first ever open source international ocean station, toast from a toaster made from scratch, and an interactively controlled greenhouse for growing graduation bouquets.

As is custom to Test_Lab, the audience is invited to assess these young artists’ reflections by testing the demonstrated artworks and designs themselves. So prepare for an evening of trying thought provoking electronic art and design that deals with urgent (and less urgent) aspects of a world in crisis. If after this any worries about the crises should remain, then TokTek vs. VJ MNK will soothe your cares away by performing live at Test_Lab: What crisis?!

This event will be streamed live at www.v2.nl

For more information, please contact Michel van Dartel, E: michel@v2.nl | T: +31 (0)10 2067272.

Test_Lab is a bi-monthly public event organized by V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media that provides an informal setting for the presentation, demonstration, testing, and discussion of artistic Research and Development (aRt&D).