5 Eyl 2009
10 Eki 2009

Upon invitation of gallerist Ron Mandos, Ruud van der Peijl and Silvia B. will collaborate to create an exposition in which the diverse and often disputed notion of masculinity will take the central theme. Ruud van der Peijl’s photographic series ‘World Without Women’ and the sculpture series ‘Les plus Beaux’ by Silvia B. present sometimes poetic, sometimes shockingly confrontational alternative perceptions of male self-perception, both young and old.


Ruud van der Peijl en Sylvia B. - Bron: ronmandos.nl

Tough, imposing, macho and charming, all stereotypes of male beauty and behaviour are addressed in this collaborative installation from Ruud van der Peijl and Silvia B. Photographing models aged between 2 and 73 years, Ruud van der Peijl removes ‘masks’ such as clothing and accessories to draw out alternative identities with the use of make-up and a minimal amount of styling. All forms of image manipulation to render reality more beautiful as used in advertising and fashion photography are done away with so that the feminine, vulnerable and marked expressions of these models are painfully exposed.

By contrast Silvia B. adorns her boyish sculptures with an eclectic mix of unusual but distinctly recognisable garments, accessories and styling. At first sight, these works display a supremely aesthetic impression, which after closer inspection become increasingly unsettling. Despite their party contrary approach, both artists uncover an aspect of boyish behavior, machismo, dandyism and everyday masculinity that grate with our everyday stereotyped view.

The exposition space will be decorated from light to dark, accentuating the lifecycle of these confrontational male images: on the one hand fresh and innocent depictions of the young on the other hand the decadent and dark sides of lives past their prime.


Saturday 5/9: 16.00 - 19.00