Under The Influence... of Ruud Valster


19 Kas 2009
  • 20:30
  • OT 301
  • Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam

Experimental long-form music improv theatre with live music, song, sound, movement - and live improv art from Ruud Valster - to take home.

In English.


Impromptu - Bron: ot301.nl



"We collectively improvise long-form theatre pieces together with simultaneous instrumental
and vocal background music, sound and dance: song accompaniment, musical interludes,
soundscapes, movement, instruments as masks or as characters... and everything is improvised
on the spur of the moment" (Bron: impromptu.nl)

Style Music improv theatre + live art
Starts 20:30 hrs
Entrance 8.00 euro