Vlaamse kermis

The tour and its heroes

7 Mayıs 2010
8 Mayıs 2010

During the passage of the Giro d'Italia, Amsterdam will become a bit more cycle crazy than usual. Let us see if the craze can reach the same heights as it does in Flanders...

The Brakke Grond will let your cycling heart go wild during the second Vlaamse Kermis. This year it is totally dedicated to Folk Sport number one! For two days the Nes will be occupied by a huge cycling party which has never been emulated above the rivers!


Logo Vlaamse Kermis -

What can you do during the Vlaamse Circus?

Inside De Brakke Grond

The Big Cycling Show

Fri, 7th and Sat, 8th, 20.00
Tickets are €10.

An unbeatable line-up of experts, lovers and veterans shine their headlight on all facets of cycling, sporty and cultural. You won't be bored for one second when you enter this cycling rollercoaster. Circus Treurdier will bring improvisation theater and cycling band Les Supappes takes care of the musical intermezzos.

Photo Exhibition - Stephan Vanfleteren: Flandrien

Fri, 7th from 17:00 and Sat, 8th from 16:00.
Entrance is free.

Photographer Stephan Vanfleteren installs an exhibition entitled Flandrien, with beautiful portraits of a.o. Eddy Merckx and Rick van Steenbergen alternated with drama, kermis and dauntless heroism. Vanfleteren knows like no other how to lay bare the soul of cycle racing in his work.

Outside on the Nesplein

(all free to join)

Cirq/Bataclan: Koers Sur Place

Fri, 7th from 18:00 till 22:00 and Sat, 8th from 16:00 till 22:00.

Everybody can join this Sur Place tour. Cirq is going to cycle with everything that comes with it. Both days the crowd can show their talents as a cyclist, a soigneur or just as a watcher. There will be massage tables, kiss misses, leg shaving and cycle wardrobes. Of course everything builds up to an exuberant honoring ceremony.

De Fietsband (The tire)

Fri, 7th from 18:00 till 22:00 and Sat, 8th from 16:00 till 22:00.

Spokes, bells, steering wheels, tubes, chains and tires. Every bike is a concert in itself. The bike as a musical instrument: it has been done before, but never as festively as De Fietsband does it. The musicians from Convoi Exeptionel and Crappy Dog will frame De Vlaamse Kermis with extraordinary cycle sounds.

Wielerfilms op het Plein (Cycling movies on the Square)

Friday: De Helaasheid der Dingen.
Saturday: Le Vélo de Ghislain Lambert.

The Brakke Grond screens two cycling films in the open air. One on Friday and one on Saturday at 22:00. Make yourself comfortable in the dark with a pint and some fries. Both movies come with Dutch subtitles.

For more information go to the website of De Brakke Grond.