Make an inflatable

Learn to inflate your imagination

7 Şub 2013

We visited Theo Botschuijver, a master of inflatables and a maker of dreams. Theo showed us around his studio and explained how to start making an inflatable structure.


Visit to Theo Botschuijver's studio - Mediamatic team and Freezing Favela participants standing in the middle of Theo's interactive projection. Willem Velthoven

Dream come true

Theo's wide range of inflatable installations give shape to the imagination. Did you ever wish you could walk on water? Stepping into Theo's tetrahedron shaped plastic balloon allows you to stroll across the sea.


Walk on Water - The Waterwalk, by Theo Botschuijver, is an inflated sphere that allows people to walk on water. This photo was found on new media artist Jeffrey Shaw's website . Theo Botschuijver


Flying Pig - Flying Pig made for Pink Floyd by Spatial Effects.

Or maybe you'll recognize Theo's floating pig from Pink Floyd's Animals album cover. Theo has been a world-renowned designer of imaginative structures for decades. We visited Theo's studio to experience niche knowledge from the man himself and learn how to start making our own inflatable structures. The trip was inspired enough to inflate anyone's imagination.


Theo Botschuijver shares his knowledge - Theo Botschuijver giving Ana advice on how to make an inflatable Clean Lab . Willem Velthoven


Theo's past works - Looking through catalogues of Theo Botschuijver's past works during a visit to his studio. Willem Velthoven


Freezing Favela

Freezing Favela is a small city within Mediamatic Fabriek. Builders, cooks and other makers have been given the possibility to claim a part of the big industrial hall as their own. They work on their projects autonomously, but like in any other community, materials, space and functions have to be shared. Favela citizens are making tosti's from scratch, paper from cow shit, furniture from cardboard, and food from our very own aquaponics farm. And everyone is welcome to contribute. Build this city with us.