Tower 1
From the museum
Setup: Tower Fish: Catfish Location: Fabriek, Aquaponics tent Built: 7 September 2012, Transnatural Festival
Tower 2
First tower, second system
Setup: Tower Fish: Catfish Location: Fabriek, Aquaponics tent Built: 26 May 2012
Greenhouse 1
First T-system
Setup: T-system Fish: Catfish Location: Fabriek, Greenhouse Built: 11 January 2012
Stad van de Toekomst
20Haz 201327Eki 2013In deze tentoonstelling wordt onderzocht hoe stadsbewoners oplossingen kunnen bedenken voor actuele, wereldwijde problemen in steden. Hierbij kan gedacht worden aan klimaatverandering, het tekort aan...
Hybrid fish
When goldfish and common roach mate.
It seems that at aquaponics our goldfish and common roach have multiplied together and made a offspring that's a mix of the two fishes characteristics.
From our Faraway Friend Wendy Monroe
Release of Channel Catfish
Richmond Aquaponics farm receives inhabitants
The Channel Catfish for the Richmond aquaponics farm have arrived! This video shows their release.
Pruning tomatoes
Light and air
My father has years and years of experience growing tomatoes. The first thing I learned from him was pruning. 'The most important thing', according to him.
From our Faraway Friend Wendy Monroe
Trial and Error
A photo essay
Our system with the five half barrel beds is up and running now, the plants in the beds have taken root and we will be taking delivery of 30 Channel Catfish next week. We will be getting them from...
inventarisatie van onze vis
Voor aquacultuur is het gebruikelijk om je handelswaar in de gaten te houden. Het is belangrijk om te weten hoe snel je vissen groeien, het aantal vissen en het gewicht van je vissen. Voor de...
Nettle spray
Natural remedy for aphids
Today we made a natural remedy for our aphids plague. To do this you just have to pick some nettles and make a mixture with water. The approximate amount of nettles is 100 grams per liter of fresh...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Favela Zondag
28Nis 2013Kennis maken met Els, de loeiende koe van de Tostifabriek . Of naar Favelous voor een late zondagslunch. Het kon allemaal op de Favela Zondagen tijdens de Freezing Favela. In het Trash Lab werden...
Blue LED's and bioballs
Canadian commercial aquaponics farm described
Broadcaster CBC published a story about a new commercial aquaponics farm. It's interesting to read, because they do some things differently.
Pollinator fan
To help the tomatoes
Today we installed a small fan like those used for cooling the computers, but this one works at 220 v. Hermaphrodite tomato flowers need hard wind for pollination.
Fresh Aquaponics chard for lunch!
From system to plate
We were very glad to see that our chard survived the harsh winter! They had beautifully grown and were ready for harvest. Today chef Andrea from the favelous restaurant made a fingerlicking dish with...
020-Dag van de Stadslandbouw
4Nis 2013Stadslandbouw is in. Wereldwijd zijn er meer en meer steden die zich hiervoor inzetten. Voel jij hier iets voor? Op de Dag van de Stadslandbouw krijg jij de kans om mee te denken over een Amsterdams...
To view our monsters
Here's an idea! Let's make a shark viewer so we can make nice pictures of our little monsters. Or we could hook up a webcam!
De wereld redden op klaslokaalschaal
Miniponics: het ultieme wapen voor een lokale klimaatridder
Altijd al een aquarium en een moestuin in je klaslokaal willen hebben? Of iets goeds willen doen voor het klimaat? Mediamatic biedt sinds kort workshops aan waarbij je bouwt aan een miniponics...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Team Meeting Week 13
31Mar 2013Now we've got nice Philips LED lights, it's time to get our measuring practices straight. Our new team member Jerre will be researching the best way to do all the measurements: how often, which ones
All about the siphon
Everything you need to know to build an autosiphon
How does it work? First of all, here is a nice animation to show you how the auto-siphon functions so you can integrate it to your eb and flood system like aquaponics. Found on youtube, made by...
New nursery!
Yesterday we built a new space for our small plants, we used recycled materials. The first nursery was not working very well because the environment was too cold for them. We installed a plastic...
Enormous vertical aquaponics farm in Chicago
In an abandoned warehouse
There has been some talk in the aquaponics community about the question whether aquaponics can be done commercially succesful. Here's an example, it's called FarmedHere
Bright and shiny
Philips LEDs give new perspective to grow lights
Those new grow LEDs we got from Philips are very bright indeed! It feels like we've been trying to get plants growing in dusk al this time
Aquaponics in deserted factory Manchester
From the Guardian
Excerpt: Orchards, crops and a fish farm will fill the empty spaces of a former printworks as the Biospheric Foundation comes to Salford. Christopher Arden reports
Mediamatic Fabriek
Clear view
24Mar 2013We know we have a lot of catfish, but how many, exactly? And how many plants?