Aerial Silk Workshop

Welcome to the world of air acrobatics

22 Eyl 2012

Learn a combination of elegant choreography and daring acrobatics wrapped up in sky-high silky fabrics at Mediamatic Fabriek. With Aerial Silk you can improve your agility, strength and flexibility, and heighten your bodily sensations.


Flyer Aerial Silk workshop -

Aerial Silk is an acrobatic dance in midair. Julian Yopasá is a professional dancer, currently working with the International Dance Theater in Amsterdam. Together with Barbara he created Passion Red. On September 22 they will teach you the inns and outs of 'walking the silk'.

What will happen?

Because it is an intensive training it's very important to begin with a half hour warm-up. Julian and Barbara will show you how to tie a knot in the fabric, creating a hamock-like construction. You will work on perfecting your posture, as a wrong technique can cause you to waste vital energy and strength.

Once the warm-up has been completed, you will take your first steps up the silk cloth. You will learn a combination of movements in conjunction with the elastic material. Through the interplay of motion, strength, gravity and technique, you will experience a unique bodily sensation.

What should I wear?

Don't worry about your footwear, as the entire exercise will take place barefoot. It is important to protect your skin, so be sure to wear long, stretchy trousers that are not too wide. A long-sleeved t-shirt is also recommended.

More information

Due to the intensity of the exercises, there is a maximum of 4 people per workshop. It will take place at Mediamatic Fabriek on Saturday September 22nd from 13.00 till 15.30. The training in small groups allows us to adapt the exercises to the abilities of the participants. That means there are no special body-skills required. Children are allowed to participate with parental consent. The instruction language is English. For more information, the costs and to reserve a ticket, call Barbara at 06-59354824 or send an e-mail to