Book 1 Ağs 2007


Analysis of developments along the Gulf: A Guide, a Survey, an Agenda.

10 Eyl 2007
  • 20:00

AMO / Archis / Moutamarat release the book Al Manakh, the first ever comprehensive analysis of the development of The Gulf, to be presented by Rem Koolhaas and Ole Bouman at the Netherlands Architecture Institute on September 10 at 8 pm. Text from the Archis Foundation's press release

Released on the occasion of the International Design Forum In Dubai on 27-29 May 2007. Al Manakh offers a detailed analysis of the history, culture and architecture of The Gulf region including Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Ras Al Khaimah and discusses the implications of the rapid development of these territories for the rest of the world. This is the first time that the unprecedented urban condition of this region has been comprehensively documented from diverse viewpoints and communicated to outside the region. Voices of architects, intellectuals and developers making the Gulf happen are represented in the numerous essays and interviews that accompany this richly illustrated study. Key figures such as, Rem Koolhaas, Ole Bouman, and Thomas Krens give their take on the current situation in The Gulf, along with their predictions for the future of this 'ultimate tabula rasa'.

Al Manakh is divided into three sections:
I. The Dubai Guide, edited by Moutamarat, leads you through current projects, productions, plans and ideas.
II. Gulf Survey, 250 pages survey by AMO that tackles issues around the Gulf and beyond and develops concepts for understanding the new urban and social realities in the region.
III. The Global Agenda, edited by Archis, focuses on concepts for providing shelter, security, sustainability, fairness and dialogue.

Al Manakh facts
Editors: Rem Koolhaas, Mitra Khoubrou, Ole Bouman
Managing editor: Arjen Oosterman
Design: Irma Boom, Natasha Chandani, Sonja Haller
Format: 24x17, 500 pages
Publisher: Archis Foundation
Distribution: Europe, Asia and USA by Idea Books, IPS Pressevertrieb
Price: €29.90
ISBN: 978-90-77966-12-9