Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 1#4 1 Oca 1987


We again offer two video tapes; Karnak of the Dutch artist Frits Maats and Forever Young/Echoes of Death van Lydia Schouten.

FRITS MAATS's tape has a strong relation with his paintings. MARIE ADèLE RAJANDREAM reviews the installation MAATS made at the KIJKHUIS in The Hague in which the relationship between video and painting also was central theme.

LYDIA SCHOUTEN made her tape in commission of Dutch television (The Humanist Association). With reference to this production we discuss some of the operative criticism on media art in the Netherlands.

We are well-pleased about the orders we recieved for the video tapes of NAN HOOVER and KOEN THEYS that we offered in the last issue of MEDIAMATIC, and that we now can offer again for the last time. We found we underestimated the problems of distributing tapes. About half of the selling price is used for copying costs and forwarding charges. Therefore the prices are fixed from now on at ƒ 200,-. For longer productions the price can be higher (THEYS). In this way it will be possible for the artist to get the same amount of money for selling a tape at home format as for hiring one out to a public presentation.

Furthermore in this issue, we have contributions of the artists PETER BOYD MACLEAN, RENé REITZEMA, WIM LIEBRAND and JAN PAUL CLOO. The contribution of the last one, called, Licht van Beweging (Light of Motion) needs some explanation. CLOO, who works as a photographer, is experimenting for some time with double printings of photos which he attaches to the television screen. The television is tuned to a regular station, the contrast is put at a maximum, the colour at a minimum and the sound is turned off. One can admire the work in a darkened room. It is beautiful to see how a random television program modulates the picture and causes the balance to swing from one component to the other. The changes in expression are so dramatic that one is supposing for a while that one is looking at a video tape.

So, don't decorate your wall, wrap up your TV!