Launch of No 2, “Skin” by Aynouk Tan

28 Kas 2009
28 Kas 2009

This Saturday evening, the Amsterdam Biennale together with Mediamatic presented the launch of Aynouk Tan's second perfume, "Skin".


Aynouk Tan No. 2 - 28 november 2009: de lancering van de tweede geur van Aynouk Tan, Launch of No 2 "Skin", in het Amsterdam paviljoen van Aynouk. De Zweedse rockband KING KONG KOBRA trad deze avond op. Eerder op de dag vond de Kick-Off van het project "2030: Warzone Amsterdam" plaats van curator Brigitte van der Sande naar een concept van Partizan Publik. Met Blitz-presentaties van deelnemende kunstenaars en het nieuwe nummer van OPEN, het tijdschrift van SKOR. Jans Possel

"I've got you under my skin
I've got you deep in the heart of me
So deep in my heart, that you're really a part of me
I've got you under my skin"

Frank Sinatra

The Aynouk Tan perfume series are part of Aynouk Tan's critical examination of the phenomenon of personal branding.

“Skin” is an intimate, unique and exclusive journey to the essence of a woman.

“Skin” is dedicated to the great ladies of performance art, Marina Abramoviç, Yoko Ono, Linda Montano.

“Skin” is more than just a fragrance.

“Skin” defines the very heart of Aynouk Tan's perfume range.

“Skin” is only available from 7.30pm to 10pm on the 26th November 2009.

“Skin” is a must....

The evening also included a live performance by the Amsterdam Swedish rock band KING KONG KOBRA, at 9pm as part of the Equinox Music Festival.

"So deep in my heart, that you're really a part of me,
I've got you under my skin"

Aynouk Tan's recently launched perfume "No 1 -Anus" can still be experienced by appointment only.