Test_Lab: Summer Sessions

17 Eyl 2009

It is the end of summer, but the start of a new Test_Lab season! Come and test new work by artist-in-residence Melissa Coleman, Tarik Barri and David Debuyser, developed during V2_'s Summer Sessions.


flyer_ss_def-1.jpg - Joris van Ballegooijen

Featuring: Melissa Coleman (NL) | Tarik Barri (NL) | David de Buyser (BE) | Introduction: Boris Debackere | Respondent: Angela Plohman

Test_Lab: Summer Sessions

It’s summertime! For most people that means beaches and barbecues, but at V2_, three up-and-coming young artists have spent the summer developing their art practice. During the intensive working period entitled Summer Sessions, each of them has collaborated with V2_’s expert developers, project managers and curators to produce new work. The outcome of these residencies will be the focus of a special summer edition of Test_Lab.

In the 2009 Summer Sessions, artists Tarik Barri, Melissa Coleman and David de Buyser respectively developed projects in the fields of augmented reality, wearable technology, and interactive organic environments. By holding the three residencies in parallel, V2_ aimed to promote a creative synergy between these enthusiastic young artists.

Test_Lab: Summer Sessions will show the results of this synergy through demonstrations of the works created during the residencies and discussion of the artists’ experiences of these intensive working periods. As usual in V2_’s Test_Labs, the audience will be invited to critically test the works through hands-on engagement.

To celebrate the end of the Summer Sessions, we’ll also be serving refreshing free cocktails!

This event will be streamed live at www.v2.nl

For more information please contact
Michel van Dartel:

E michel@v2.nl
T +31(0)10 206 72 72

Test_Lab is a bi-monthly public event organized by V2_, the Institute for the Unstable Media, that provides an informal setting for the presentation, demonstration, testing, and discussion of artistic Research and Development (aRt&D)