Christine Saalfeld
Marc Verstappen
Work: Villanella Antwerp (Bel) & Leidsepleintheaters (Hol) Currently working on villanella 3.0 - a web application cancerning young people and art.
Annelies de Bruine
My drive is fuelled by progress and innovation. I enjoy being part of a creative team developing new technologies. I am a global citizen and I care about the world around me.
exhibition: Casco
Undecided Utopias
14Nis 200713Mayıs 2007Pictures of an privately initiated architectual competition.
Daniël Dennis de Wit
artist, curator, writer
We maybe aren´t able to define truth, but that doesn´t matter, we know how to use it.
Mediamatic Post CS
TV Dinner
30Mar 200711Mayıs 2007During the exhibition Vergessene Fahnen (Forgotten Flags) we served Weißwurst from Schwandorf, Brezel from Stuttgart, mustard by Haendelmayr en real Dutch radisch for 5 euro. And Naabecker beer from...
Filip Daniels
Docent en vakvoorzitter Media aan LUCA School of Arts
Irina Birger
Irina Birger was born in Moscow and lived in Serbia as a teenager. She received a BA from the Bezalel Academy of Fine Art and Design in Jerusalem and an MFA from the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam...
exhibition: <>TAG
Lust @ <>TAG
2Mar 200731Mar 2007Lust presents an interactive visual catalogue.
Duncan Shingleton
Duncan Shingleton is an undergraduate student, enrolled on BA/BSc (Hons) Digital Art and Technology at the University of Plymouth. His research is centered on the emergence of RFID (Radio Frequency...
Book on Uncommon Ground
Creative Encounters between Sectors and Disciplines
About (Un)common Ground This book investigates the new culture of collaboration which emerged from recent developments in which areas of art and design have creatively fused with media and technology.
Stadsdichtersdebat Vers Versus Vers
11Şub 2007Rotterdamse dichters debatteren over de benoeming van de Stadsdichter en de popularisering van de (dicht)kunst. Afsluiting door Simon Vinkenoog.
lecture: De Appel
"As Yet..."
10Şub 2007Een co-productie van de Appel en de Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht.
Festivals on the electronic highway
15Şub 20071Haz 2007Holland Festival, het European Festival Research Project en Waag Society organiseren in juni 2007 in Amsterdam een internationaal colloquium met de titel "Festivals on the Electronic Highway".
Ambient Intelligence
22Şub 200722Şub 2007n Wikipedia the concept of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is described as a vision where humans are surrounded by computing and networking technology unobtrusively embedded in their surroundings.
Centraal Museum
Situationisten op drift
26Oca 200711Mar 2007Tjebbe van Tijen/Imaginary Museum Projects ontwikkelde voor het Centraal Museum een interactieve installatie.
Nico Druif
interaction designer
freelance interaction designer, loving to understand and work with your user | sketching | brown paper sessions | prototyping | testing | co-organizer of #ixd14
exhibition: Galerie Fons Welters
Nulla Est Retentio
20Oca 200724Şub 2007Rutger Emmelkamp is acutely conscious of the field of tension that generates art - and of the need for it. His work is often created out of unexpected relationships.
exhibition: PAKT
P /AKT: Bas Louter & Folkert Joore
20Oca 200711Şub 2007Voor de eerste tentoonstelling in het nieuwe jaar nodigde P /AKT twee kunstenaars uit om een grootschalig werk te realiseren voor resp. de Zaal en de Vleugel.
lecture: Moira
The Crystalpunk
13Oca 2007Crystal Punk is een beweging voor zelf-educatie die bij het begin begint en op zoek is naar de realiteit achter de schaduwen.
exhibition: Oude Kerk
Rietveld in de Oude Kerk
12Oca 200728Oca 2007Eindexamenstudenten van de Rietveldacademie maken tentoonstelling in de Amsterdamse Oude Kerk.
party: PAKT, Horse Move, Chiellerie Gallery
Plug-In; P /AKT nr.3
23Ara 200624Ara 2006Plug-In is keeping up with the quickness of contemporary zapp culture.
exhibition: Arti et Amicitiae
29Ara 20066Oca 2007Ter afsluiting van het Rembrandt jaar organiseren Chiel van Zelst en Peter Huybrechts de door Epson en Amsterdam Partners gesponsorde tentoonstelling en veiling ´Rembrandt the Remix´.