Free for new challenge
Efficient networker, relationship manager and event realizer is free to work with new adventures.
Zeitgeist : Moving Forward - Premiere en Debat
15Oca 2011Zaterdag 15 januari gaat de nieuwste film van de Zeitgeist beweging in premiere in Studio/K. Aansluitend op de wereldpremière van Zeitgeist : Moving Forward vindt een debat plaats om te bespreken in...
Sebastiaan Klaasen
jim bean
Frankie Tjoeng
Visual Arts Graphic Design
bart vk
danny lissenberg
Marco Majoor
timo lissenberg
Bashar Dawoody
Randy Vermeulen
h p
Lenny Inabnit
bo van veen
Banu Tasdemir
Hasan Tasdemir
floris versendaal
jan jonk
Federating Social Networks / Ino Paap, Ralph Meijer
BarCamp Amsterdam III
1Mar 20082Mar 2008The technical and organizational challenges of portable social networks are daunting but the promises are great! Finally we'll be using one profile to interact with people and documents in a network...
nee maar echt.
a veritable vegan, neo-punk, eco-architect and mobile space manipulator...#mobiator [ www.mobiation.net]