Tom van Soest
Hallo ik ben Tom van Soest, afgestudeerd aan de Eindhovense School (grafisch lyceum) en momenteel aan het (af)studeren aan de Design Academy in Eindhoven. Sinds 1/1/11 ben ik naast mijn...
Kunst Kapel
Round and Round
24Haz 2011KunstKapel Zuidas presenteert de monumentale licht-installatie 'Round and Round' van beeldend kunstenaar Giny Vos. 'Round and Round' gaat over de geschiedenis van het bewegende beeld. Het mengt de...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Building Arcade 1
1Ara 2010Woensdag 1 december nodigen we gamers, verzamelaars, ontwerpers en liefhebbers van games uit om ideeën en verhalen uit te wisselen. We bespreken de mooiste arcadekasten, de eerste handhelds en de...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Building Arcade 2
8Ara 2010Woensdag 8 december nodigen we gamers, verzamelaars, ontwerpers en liefhebbers van games uit om ideeën en verhalen uit te wisselen. We bespreken de mooiste arcadekasten, de eerste handhelds en de...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
26Nis 201128Nis 2011This Year Y.2 will be an non stop 48 hour event with lectures, presentations and a workshop. We'll deal with digital reality and call it: 'ReallY'.
Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid
Vorm van vermaak
14Nis 2011Weinig vormgeving zit zo in ons collectieve geheugen als vormgeving op tv. Een leader van een showprogramma, de huisstijl van een omroep of een mooi decor. Maar juist over tv-vormgeving is héél...
c c
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Ignite Amsterdam 6
9Şub 201115 short, smart and clever talks, joined and bound by one simple rule: twenty slides, five minutes. We selected fifteen artists, designers and a lost theorist who build, design and construct. Ignite...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Opening Arcade Level 4: Handhelds
19Şub 2011Level 4 introduces you to over 200 handhelds, and to a group of musicians who turned their Game Boys into musical instruments. Drink, play and dance with us. Doors open at 8pm. Please RSVP.
Joodse Huizen
herdenking van Joods Amsterdam
Het project ‘Joodse Huizen’ verbindt Amsterdammers van nu met de Amsterdammers van toen. Zij geven een gezicht aan de namen van alle in de oorlog omgekomen Joodse Nederlanders. Op 4 mei 2011 werden...
Lucie van den Driessche
screening: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade
1Mar 2011The arcade era came to a premature end in the mid 1980s. Arcades around the world were being shut down, and to many arcade gamers this meant their dreams were crushed. Chasing Ghosts tells the story...
Hanka Silverlake
a turbo folk singer
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Opening Arcade Level 3: Consoles
22Oca 2011Level 3 marked the arrival of more than twenty new and vintage consoles. Atari, Mattel, Commodore, Sony and more. We also presented two brand new games by Lieven van Velthoven: Smoke Pong and Room...
The Girl, the Pot & the Frog
Fairytales of Noord
Foundland found themselves inspired by the many fairytale aspects of Noord.
Atari 2600 jr, 1983
Game: E.T.
The Atari 2600jr was the last version of the Video Computer System to be sold. It was introduced by Atari Corp in 1986. However the Atari 2600jr was originally designed in 1983. The Atari 2600jr was...
Zanussi Ping-o Tronic, 1975
Game: Pong
The original Pong (Atari) consisted of a black and white television set and the coin system from a coin operated washer. The coins were collected in a milk carton that had been cut open. It was an...
Nictoglobe Magazine
Final Call: Reclaim the Mind
19Oca 201131Oca 2011Call for Submissions Deadline: January 31 2011 Friction Research Issue #4, Spring 2011 "When the possibility of expressing social reform vanishes, time has come to change our minds. 2010...
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), 1983
Game: Duck Hunt
The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) is an 8-bit video game console. It was released in North America, Europe and Australia in 1984.
Persbericht Bas van den Broeke
Geschiedenis van games tentoongesteld
Arcade tentoonstelling wordt uitgebreid met consoles
19 januari 2011, Amsterdam - Op zaterdag 22 januari opent bij Mediamatic het derde level van de game tentoonstelling Arcade. Level 3 belicht de geschiedenis van de console spelcomputers (1975 - 2011).
SNK Neo Geo, 1990
Game: Baseball Stars Professional
The Neo Geo was a video arcade machine and 16-bit video game console released by the Japanese company SNK. When it first hit the American market it was priced at a staggering $649.99. Proud owners...
Colecovision, 1982
Game: Zaxxon
The Colecovision was released in August 1982, and had sold more than 500,000 units by December of the same year. It was Coleco Industries' second generation home video console. Hardware add-ons...
MB Vectrex, 1982
Game: Mine Storm
The Vectrex is a real collectors item. It consists of a mini arcade cabinet-like screen and a rectangular console that could be stored away inside the cabinet. The first ones were produced by General...