PeeBack Time
St. Pauli residents fight back against public pissing
That moment when there is a long line to the toilets and you need to pee, not in a few minutes but right, this, second. Okay, for the social event goers, the occasional slip outside between the cars...
Public Rest (Not Hover) Rooms
Which type of rest room goer are you?
To sit? Or to hover? These seem to be the questions that are unclear to us females. I think we can all agree that public restrooms are not the most attractive of places to attend throughout our daily...
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Printing Algae, Fungi and Contaminations
20Mayıs 2015What happens if we use micro-organisms for printing? Currently new sustainable materials in fashion are being researched. But also the aesthetic and creative potential is being explored. Can you use...
Urine implants?
Caution: after reading this article you will rush, headlong, to brush your teeth.
Pis’ blog’s returning readers must be hard to surprise: they are already well-aware of urine-powered mobile phones, pee tea, pee fonts, furniture made out of pee and other fruits of humans’ insanity.
Marieke Karssen
Online do-it-all with a passion for #food #green #crowdfunding en #sustainability.
Oo, Oo That Smell
What is that distinct smell after enjoying a plate of this green veggie?
Asparagus. A lean, green vegetable with a dramatic list of healthy benefits. Many people are aware that asparagus is heart healthy, high in antioxidants, contains characteristics to heighten your...
Het grid ontgroeid
1Mayıs 201514Haz 2015Machteld Aardse, Margot Berkman, Leoniek Bontje, Caroline de Bruijn, Saskia Burggraaf, Peter Hoogeboom, Han Hoogerbrugge, Natasja van der Meer, Hans Muller, Maartje Overmars, Inge Reisberman, MMC...
Your pee can power a lightbulb!
A team of English researchers has created an energy-generating urinal that could prove to provide illumination in disaster zones and refugee camps.
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Using Urine in Smarter Ways
30Nis 2015You never really get to talk about piss, do you? Well, at Mediamatic, we do. Kicking off the first Pis’talk, a series of lectures that explore urine in a broad cultural and contextual sense. The...
Janna Coomans
PhD Candidate at the Centre for Culture and History of the University of Amsterdam.
André Marques Arsénio
TU Delft
Postdoctoral researcher at TU Delft working on creating reuse systems, designed to produce “water-fit-for-use” in Maputo, Mozambique.
Hugo Cortial
Environmental Engineer working as Research Coordinator for Metabolic at De Ceuvel in Amsterdam
workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Workshop: Grow Your Own Oyster Mushrooms
23Nis 2015It is said that the mushroom, and especially Mycelium has the potential to replace all sorts of (harmful) materials like plastics and batteries. Here at Mediamatic we are interested in the cultural...
La Biennale di Venezia Willem Velthoven
Herman de Vries in Biennale di Venezia
9Mayıs 201522Kas 2015In 2015 vertegenwoordigt Herman de Vries Nederland in de Biënnale van Venetie. Hij vult het Rietveldpaviljoen met een installatie van hoofdzakelijk nieuw werk en bouwt installaties op de verlaten...
Rhythm of Life
From the water of life
Through the combined narratives of traditional Chinese medicine and modern technology, Thought Collider's Aqua Vita-project visualises personal metabolic development and health with the help of their...
Planet needs your pee!
urine can save the future of agriculture
We do not just take a leak. We ruthlessly flush king Solomon’s mines into a toilet bowl. Besides water and urea, human pee contains about 10 precious elements - a few of these being calcium
film: Masayuki Ishikawa 23 Mayıs 2005
Tales of Agriculture
Japanese Manga series about student life and fermenting micro organisms. 2 seasons of Anime have been produced as well
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Shaping Micro-Organisms
16Nis 2015How do microbes move around? What if you shape them, can you trace their behavior? This Biotalk is all about the movement of micro-organisms and visualizing this in both animations and real life...
19Kas 201522Kas 2015Piksel15 November 19-22 2015 Bergen, Norway - - Piksel is an international event for artists and developers working with Free/Libre and Open Source technologies in artistic practice. It is organized...
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Beer, Brett and Braumeisters
10Nis 2015When it comes to the art of beerbrewing, do you trust your gut feeling or do you rely on science? Together with our beer curator Henriette Waal we’ll discuss brett yeast strains and Braumeister brew...
Pee Tea
Filtering Human Pee into Drinking Water
Sure, you've heard of recycling waste into energy and peeing in the shower to save water. But have you heard of filtering pee into pure drinking water?