Card Masterson
hootie mcboobs
bob mcballsack
donna knijff
chris perkins
CREA café
De economie van geluk
7Mar 2011Jarenlang is het thema geluk door politici, economen angstvallig vermeden. Geluk, daar hielden filosofen en frivole dichters zich mee bezig, dat had niks te maken met beleidsvorming en werd al zeker...
alex lagoet
m to the m
d to the f
Alexey Anuchin
marie curieuse
R Maas
Monk Starmeth
maaster janos
M3. Macky
Galerie Fons Welters
5Mar 20112Nis 2011The paintings of Yesim Akdeniz Graf (Izmir, Turkey, 1978) can be read as mysterious stills from a film. A narrative that slowly unfolds in the successive parts of a series, but that never fully...