This site looks really ok amd just curious what could happen registering at this site... :)
De Service Garage
Finissage Censored Pornography
5Nis 2009Ter afsluiting van de Censored Pornography tentoonstelling in de Service Garage treedt Oorbeek op op zondag 5 april om 17:00 uur.
Tashi Iwaoka
performance maker
A Japanese performance maker based in Amsterdam. A member of performance makers' collective Ehkä production. Dreaming to attain the perfect imperfection, as a key to enter the core of everyday poetry...
Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem
Ophelia; sehnsucht, melancholie en doodsverlangen
26Mar 200910Mayıs 2009Het was tot zijn tragische geliefde Ophelia dat Hamlet de veel geciteerde woorden ‘to be, or not to be...’ uitsprak. Sindsdien hebben vele schrijvers, filosofen, cultuurwetenschappers en beeldend...
Picnic Lab
Picnic at the Tempio River
Call For Submissions for workshop for students in Architecture, Agriculture, Fine Arts and Performing Arts
Between May 5 and 10, 2009, along the Linear Park in San Michele di Ganzaria (Sicily, Italy), the 5th edition of the "PICNIC AT THE TEMPIO RIVER", a design workshop conceived and produced by NOWAlab
Shatana, Jordan
Shatana International Artist Workshop 3
Accepting open applications from artists for two-week workshop
Shatana International Artist Workshop 3, Jordan is inviting applications for its 2-week workshop residency program in Shatana, Jordan from the 3rd until the 17th of July 2009. Shatana workshop is...
3Nis 20093Nis 2009“Conny” is a performance within the framework of the thematic project "The Monstrous at Play" held at the Piet Zwart Institute by Felix Ensslin.
Dead links
Despite what the title of this article suggests, these links do go somewhere!
Here you find a collection of links to websites that somehow are related to the topic of death. Leave a comment if you have other good suggestions.
Van Abbemuseum
The Unanimous Life
28Şub 20091Haz 2009In this new solo exhibition, Deimantas Narkevičius explores the links between record, memory and testimony in a selection of video and film works as well as sculptures and photography.
Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam
Red A.i.R. Presentation Artists
17Mar 2009Since the end of January eight artists have been using several former brothels as their studios. The artists are part of RED A.i.R., an artists-in-residence programme in which artists and other...
Spui 25
Gender, seksuele identiteit en seksualisering
17Mar 2009Als we de media mogen geloven seksualiseert de samenleving in een rap tempo. Pornografie neemt een steeds prominentere plaats in. Vooral op het internet profileren vele subgenres en zijn...
Matthew Caruana Galizia
Mediamatic Alum.
Worked at Mediamatic in Amsterdam a long time ago, now elsewhere.
The Award Winning Show
14Mar 20094Nis 2009Dafna Maimon's works are mostly short, single-channel video pieces, which swing between witty one liners, registrations of staged performative acts and narrative filmmaking.
De Service Garage
Censored Pornography
18Mar 20095Nis 2009Studenten willen altijd weten wat docenten doen en maken, deze tentoonstelling laat het zien.
ArtAids zet kunst in als wapen in de strijd tegen aids.
ArtAids is opgericht door de Nederlandse schrijver en kunstverzamelaar Han Nefkens, die zelf seropositief is. Er zijn zelfstandige ArtAids-organisaties in Nederland, Thailand en Spanje.
Brummelkamp Galerie AMC
19Mar 20095Mayıs 2009In september 2005 reisden de fotografen Viviane Sassen en Martine Stig naar Moskou, met vijf ‘condoomjurken’ van de Braziliaanse ontwerpster Adriana Bertini in hun bagage. Sassen en Stig gingen op...
Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond
6Mar 20097Mar 2009Dream Season is een hybride voorstelling waarin kunst en populaire cultuur als het ware samengebracht worden. Via een performance neemt Bachzetsis de conventies van de soap onder de loep en...
Galerie 32-34
14Mar 20092Mayıs 2009Met werk van Anje Roosjen, Netty van Osch en Remko van Drongelen
Expositie bij SeARCH
12Mar 200930Haz 2009Een dubbel expositie met foto's van Lard Buurman en schilderijen en tekeningen Charlotte Schleiffert.
Huis Marseille
Dutch Households
7Mar 200924Mayıs 2009From 7 March you can visit the exhibition Dutch Households in Huis Marseille, Museum of Photography.
festival: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
13Mayıs 200915Mayıs 2009Two seemingly autonomous performances are taking place simultaneously on the same stage. Their combination results in a third, in itself coherent performance. During 'Plateaux goes Amsterdam Festival'...
De Veemvloer
Medical Body
27Şub 20091Mar 2009Medical Body bestaat uit vijf video installaties die elk afzonderlijk ingaan op de relatie tussen het persoonlijke lichaam en het lichaam als een medisch onderwerp. Aan de hand van de dialectische...
Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Deadly Medicine
13Mar 200919Tem 2009The National Socialist regime made the race issue the key theme of its health and demographic policy in 1933. By 1945, 400,000 people had undergone forced sterilization and in Germany and Austria...
De Zondagsschool #7: Travel
15Mar 200915Mar 2009In deze kersverse aflevering tackelt de Zondagsschool de 21ste eeuwse reiservaring. Het tijdperk van het massatoerisme is voorbij, met dank aan verdichtend broeikasgas, de gapende kredietcrisis en...