Mediamatic Fabriek Lina Issa
What if, if I take your place?
2Ara 201221Ara 2012Lina has been placing an advertisement in different cities, online and in newspapers, asking people if she could take their place in one situation or another in their life. For an hour, a day, a...
Tom Reinhoudt
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
Front to Back
30Eyl 20121Ara 2012De herfsttentoonstelling op het Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen opent op 30 september en toont reeds bestaande werken van beeldend kunstenaar Fransje Killaars. Killaars geniet internationale faam met haar...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#4 Keiko Sei 1 Oca 1989
Melts in your Magazine, not in your Museum
Come to think of it, ALFRED BIRNBAUM. Hasn't video been business art from its very inception?
Mediamatic Fabriek
Waar komt mijn eten vandaan?
7Eki 2012Wij nodigen je uit voor een eerlijke en nuchtere lunch. Terwijl we eten, komen een slager en een boer vragen beantwoorden en vertellen over hun werk. Wat doen ze nog zelf en wat doen machines? Hoe...
C 220 I, Haaksbergen
Cursus Tenenlezen
12Eki 201220Eki 2012Volg de tweedaagse cursus Tenenlezen bij Jan Wieringa in Haaksbergen.
Lunch Swap
Connecting Art, Food and Life
A community project using the medium food with the means to emphasize facilitating and nurturing new beginnings as well as maintaining ongoing connections
Al zoekende naar een baan in media en cultuur, met een BA of Arts op zak, geniet ik van alle geuren, kleuren, smaken, invloeden en ontwikkelingen dat het leven te bieden heeft!
Meta-Monumental Garage Sale
"Maybe the Garage Sale is a methaphor of the mind"
The Meta-Monumental Garage Sale is a multimedia installation and performance by the critically acclaimed artist Martha Rosler
Mediamatic Magazine 3#2 Torben Soborg 1 Oca 1988
Week of Danish Culture
The phone rings. Could you go to Riga to show some Danish video art? ... the Latvians have especially requested Danish video art as a part of The Danish Cultural Week in Riga . What can you say but...
project: Lise Skou, Andrea Creutz
Swop Network
Swop Network was initiated in 2003 by Andrea Creutz (Copenhagen) and Lise Skou (Aarhus), as a platform for the production and dissemination of materials and ideas surrounding contemporary political
Dino Siwek
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#4 1 Oca 1988
Fukui Video Biennale
The second Fukui International Video Biennale entitled Discovery of Resources of Our Time was held in March of this year. Fukui is a coastal city of 280.000 inhabitants to the west of Tokyo. Monique...
Mediamatic Magazine 2#4 Philip Hayward 1 Oca 1988
The Moonlighting Story
How ABC capitalised on cultural logic
By virtue of developing a series of bold formal precedents within mainstream television drama, the American romantic cop show Moonlighting has become one of the most significantly innovative examples...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#4 1 Oca 1988
The foundation for the Advancement of illegal…
The Occult traffic Sign For a dangerous fusion of signs
The traffic sign symbolizes the safety of deceleration whereas movement strives for dangerous acceleration. The red, black and white of the prohibitory sign which was introduced in the 1930s emerged...
Mediamatic Magazine 2#4 Simon Biggs 1 Oca 1988
Video and Architecture
SIMO BIGGS discusses the complex relation between television and architecture on the basis of three videoworks.
boris vian
Boris Vian (10 March 1920 – 23 June 1959) was a French polymath: writer, poet, musician, singer, translator, critic, actor, inventor and engineer. He is best remembered today for his novels.
Opening Kers Gallery
21Haz 2012De Kers Gallery will be opened officially! Concurrently the exposition Anger Management or Shamanism by Hanan Klei will be opened.
Kom Je Ook leren feesten?
KJO Nacht met workshops van o.a. N8, 5DaysOff en de Nachtburgemeester
Kom Je Ook Nacht op 6 juli gaat over functioneel feesten. Dit keer geen dagprogramma met lezingen, maar een avondje workshoppen met creatieve evenementorganisatoren uit het culturele veld. Keynote...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#2 Walter Schneemann 1 Oca 1987
Desire and Television Autism
In the early days of video, discussions centered on the dichotomy video-television and judging from the number of exhibitions, conferences and symposiums devoted to the subject, this dichotomy is...
zaandam, oostzijde
15Haz 2012Op vrijdag 15 juni organiseert Jurriaan Berger dit unieke concert in 2 kerken in Zaandam. In OostWestOrgel spelen 7 musici uit 5 verschillende landen en 2 orgels de hoofdrol. Een onalledaagse...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#1 1 Oca 1988
Floating with lightness
An unusual analysis of Tintoretto's The Creation of the Animals
The most exciting art-work we discovered this summer in Venice was in the GALLERIE DELL’ACCADEMIA: TINTORETTO's The Creation of the Animals (see MAURICE NIO). We see someone depicted with an almost...