Galerie 32-34
Leoniek Bontje
9Oca 201013Şub 2010De tentoonstelling wordt op zaterdag 9 januari om 16 uur geopend
Abner Preis
belle barbé
appearing in the Mediamatic Travel Catalogue
• page 13 of MEDIAMATIC TRAVEL CATALOGUE: photo not by Mauricio Corbalan but by sergiok via Flickr • page 35 of MEDIAMATIC TRAVEL CATALOGUE: both photos by Andrew J. Cosgriff are...
Raphael Rehbach
Mediamatic Paparazzo
I make dance performances
werk en projecten van multimediakunstenaar Vera Broos
Nadege DeCastro
woman, trilingual, geen nederlands, broke, not a shoe-whore, used to be a member of the universal zulu nation, married, tv whore, dog and cat owner, senior designer, wannabe photographer, etc...
Amsterdam denkt na
Op Mediamatic's WatSpinoza? website kan nog steeds gediscussieërd worden. Zijn alle meningen even goed? Waarom is een hond schoppen een misdrijf maar een koe opeten niet? Zijn minderheden ergens...
Klaas Kuitenbrouwer
trial & error
Program manager at the Virtueel Platform. Responsible for the PicnicAcademy-HOT100 2009. Organised and coached the RFID & Physical Computing Hackers Camp at PICNIC 2007 & 2008) Bassplayer and...
Jose de la O
Mexican Designer living in Eindhoven
P/ / / / /AKT
SLOOPROUTE, een videoinstallatie
9Mayıs 200930Mayıs 2009Een ruimte. Een man staat tegen de muur geleund. Hij is alleen en kijkt om zich heen. De ruimte is leeg. Er gebeurt niets. De man heeft niets om handen. De lamlendigheid slaat toe. Langzaam komt de...
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Workshop Generating VGA Signals
10Tem 200910Tem 2009By using the very simple and cheap PIC Microchip micro-controller it's possible to generate signals. With these signals you can display all kinds of pixel patterns on any VGA monitor or beamer.
Worm, Worm
SCREAMING CITY: West Berlin 1980s
22Nis 200922Nis 2009This double feature screening casts light on a unique historical period where images lived a special life amidst the deadlock of socialist and capitalist ideologies, materialising spectacularly in...
Matthew Caruana Galizia
Mediamatic Alum.
Worked at Mediamatic in Amsterdam a long time ago, now elsewhere.
Kinetica Art Fair 2009
27Şub 20092Mar 2009Carnivorous art, man-animal-machine hybrids, mechanical drawing machines, subliminal installations, pole dancing robots, light sculptures and cybernetics are just some of the exhibits to be found at...
Bert Hermens
Accompanied by Portraitist Raymond Mirrer during Philosophic Arctic Trips
Hans van der Meer, Doha, Qatar
Maya Saikali
Maya Saikali is a partner and creative director at KITE creative, based in Beirut. She holds a Bachelor degree in Graphic Design from the American University of Beirut and a Masters Degree in...
De Balie
21Şub 200921Şub 2009De Filmbank is dé distributeur van grensverleggende Nederlandse Cinema. Ieder jaargetijde stellen De Filmbankiers een programma samen uit de eigen collectie en trekken daarmee door het hele land. Op...
An Atlas of Radical Cartography
14Şub 200922Mar 2009Casco, Office for Art, Design and Theory is pleased to present ‘An Atlas of Radical Cartography’ from 15 February till 22 March 2009. Along with the opening, A Mapping Forum takes place on Saturday...
De Unie
In de greep van de technologie
26Şub 200926Şub 2009Onlangs verscheen In de greep van de technologie, het jaarboek van het Tijdschrift Sociale Vraagstukken, over nieuwe toepassingen van technologieën bij uitgeverij van Gennep. n samenwerking met de...
Stephen Banham
Called a ‘typographic evangelist’ by Eye magazine, Stephen Banham is founder of Letterbox, a typographic studio based in Melbourne, Australia. Banham has written and produced twelve publications on...