book: Ben Hurkmans, J. Simons 1 Oca 2005

All that Dutch

International art policy.

All that Dutch combines visions from art professionals, academics and policymakers about international art policy.

International art policy has become a topic of constant debate. A new culture policy let to a political debate as well. The content and the organization of this policy is questioned. This book explores the question whether this international culture policy should be more ambitious and result oriented. Are economical, political and social considerations important in making decisions or is culture an independent branch of international policy?
The authors of All that Dutch explore this problem from four different angels: culture and politics, culture and economy, international reflection and cultural profiling. The book includes contributions of leading Dutch figures in this debate such as: Aaron Betsky, Valentijn Byvanck, Chris Dercon, Boris Dittrich, Bas Heijne, Maria Hlavajova, Johan Simons, Joeri van den Steenhoven, en vele anderen.


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