
Workshop: Micro-Brewing

Microbiologically brewed to perfection

13 Mayıs 2017

Even though it only takes water, hops, yeast and grains to develop a beer, the variations and additions are endless. During this workshop with brewer and medical microbiologist Jasper Swierstra - BrouwerijX you will learn how to brew beer with the utmost microbiological perfection. 
Suitable for all adventurous (and unexperienced) brewers.

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Testing Beer Batches - The Myco Brewery is a permanent installation on the Bio Clean Lab, where we brew beer and use the spent grains of this process to develop new materials with. In the background you see the different chambers for: 1st. and 2nd fermenatation and the Myco Incubation chamber Anisa Xhomaqi, Ashley Scarborough, Linde van Beers


We will start with a short presentation about the basics of beer brewing and the varieties of malts, hops and yeasts. Then the group will be divided in three, each discussing and making up different brewing recipe's. Together with Jasper you will decide if you're going to make a stout, IPA, blond or even something more experimental. Then it's time to get the real work started! Step by step we will go through the process. First measuring and milling the malt and cook it. After deciding what hops you're going to use you will go into the mashing and filtering. Finally we store the beer in the fermentation buckets.

The bottling itself will happen two weeks later and will only take one hour. You will leave with your own batch of 'home-brewed' beers. A little patience is needed however, before opening your beers have to ferment in their bottle for another 2 weeks.


Test Batch Beer - Come and try the weekly brewed beers at Mediamatic ETEN. Lisanne Groenewoud


During the day there will also be a tasting of several special beers. We will compare and Jasper will explain us about different beers and brewing facts. There is enough time to ask questions. After the workshop you have gained knowledge to start brewing at home and more important: start experimenting with different flavors and ingredients.

About Jasper Swierstra

Jasper is a microbiologist at the University of Utrecht. He studied biomedical sciences and is currently doing a PhD at the Erasmus Medical Centre. Besides working on his PhD he is also a teacher at the Higher school of Rotterdam where he focuses on immunity and infections. But Jasper is also a passionate brewer, distiller and cook! With his company Brouwerij X he offers workshops, consultations and lectures about the wondrous process of brewing beer and other fermented beverages.

Myco Brewery

The workshop takes places in Mediamatic's Myco Brewery. A laboratory / test-kitchen / wet-lab which is suitable for working with fermentation and micro-organisms. At the moment Mediamatic uses the space for the development of new bio-degradable materials based on beer-waste and fungi. And of course for the production of their own Myco Beers, which are sold at the restaurant of Mediamatic ETEN.

The Beer Workshops are part of a larger program-line at Mediamatic where we investigate the use of micro-organisms in food. Take a look for instance at our Fermentation Blog.

Workshop: Brewing Beer
Saturday 13 may 13:00 - 18:00
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijkspark 6, Amsterdam
Tickets: €75