Naomi Hoogervorst
DIVUS UNIT 30 Michaela Freeman
2Nis 2009ABOUT THE EXHIBITION: Artists from Prague, London and Berlin uncover unseen, forgotten corners of suburbia, city within a city, sense of inhabiting one’s little space as affirmation of belonging...
Michaela Freeman
curator and writer
I curate exhibitions and write about art.
kristine hymøller
Barbara Hovens
Bojan Vukovic
When a warrior kills another, he absorbs that fallen warriors spirit..
Danilo Capasso
What I do involves a very eclectic attitude in which a series of parallel activities are in constant elaboration in a dialogue with the future. Designer, artist, Cultural Promoter. Studied...
philipp braunsdorf
explain me? well, that´s kind of obvious.
two souls inside: the one longs for home, friends and common practices, the other wants to see new things, discover new worlds, make new friends, break new ground. i´m not alone in this club, am i?
herman van den boom
Herman van den Boom is an artist/photographer since 1971. He was born out of Dutch-Belgian parents in Belgium, but much later raised in Holland. As soon as possible he started to travel worldwide.
15Mar 200916Mar 2009GEGARANDEERDT is een initiatief van fotografe Frederique Masselink-van Rijn en beeldend kunstenaar Inge van der Ven.
Amsterdam RAI
Off the record
13Mayıs 200917Mayıs 2009Bij de jaarlijkse Gemeentelijke Kunstaankopen van het Stedelijk Museum staat altijd een kunstdiscipline centraal. Dit jaar is dat fotografie, volgens het thema naar idee van gastcurator Hans Aarsman.
Laura Bultman
Ola. I am a Graphic Designer.
Dearest of people, I love*: dogs, design, art, Justice, Monet, Sam Sparro, family, friends, Arctic Monkeys, Mark Ronson, whiskey-cola, singing, painting, tea, photography, fashion, clothes, neon...
Rüdiger Müller
Berlin-Rio-Brasilia-Venezia . Art-Architecture-Oscar Niemeyer-Anti Fashion-Contrast ....Tresor....Normal Life
Born 1961 in Bremen .Since 1979 in Berlin-West-now in Eastberlin .Lived in Barcelona ,Rio de Janeiro and Lauenförde .Worked as an Educator ,10 Years for the German Lufthansa and more than 12 Years...
Ellie Uyttenbroek
Profiler and creator of the Exactitudes series
Profiler Ellie Uyttenbroek (1965) and Photographer Ari Versluis (1961) worked together since October 1994 on the project called Exactitudes : a contraction of exact and attitude.
Malek Shafi'i
I'm a documentary filmmaker and art manager with more than 15 years experience. I studied cinema and sociology, and made about 35 documentary and short films. I'm founder and director of "Afghanistan...
Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Reus
Uitnodiging speeddate 3 april 2009
Jonge kunstenaars in contact laten komen met diverse kunstinitiatieven, opdrachtgevers, galeries en instellingen
Voor de bijeenkomst willen wij je uitnodigen om een avondje te 'speeddaten' met verschillende initiatieven uit het hele land. Op vrijdag 3 april vindt deze speeddate plaats (17:00 - 21:00 uur).
Abir Boukhari
The mysterious city
My name is Abir Boukhari and I am the Travel Guide for Damascus on www.travel.mediamatic.net and curator of the Damascus pavilion in the Amsterdam Biennale 2009 at Mediamatic. I am the founder of All...
Annet Gelink Gallery
7Mar 200911Nis 2009Places To Be refers to the importance of the artist's place of residence for the artistic process. These places were not just a source of inspiration for the works in the exhibition, but were...
ArtAids zet kunst in als wapen in de strijd tegen aids.
ArtAids is opgericht door de Nederlandse schrijver en kunstverzamelaar Han Nefkens, die zelf seropositief is. Er zijn zelfstandige ArtAids-organisaties in Nederland, Thailand en Spanje.
Brummelkamp Galerie AMC
19Mar 20095Mayıs 2009In september 2005 reisden de fotografen Viviane Sassen en Martine Stig naar Moskou, met vijf ‘condoomjurken’ van de Braziliaanse ontwerpster Adriana Bertini in hun bagage. Sassen en Stig gingen op...