Huis Marseille
Fake but Accurate
1Mar 200825Mayıs 2008In the spring of 2008 Huis Marseille will present a retrospective by the well-known Dutch photographer Edwin Zwakman, in which his three latest series can be seen together for the first time.
arno nollen
only a few words at a time ,....
ambitious at all blonde,..
one man graphic studio_ photography, video, collaboration with soundfreaks & musicians
graphic artist/designer, online editor, photography & video,...
kostas koutsospyros
markus taxacher
Nederlands fotomuseum
9Şub 20082Mar 2008Er is veel aandacht voor het fotoboek. Daarbij gaat het vooral om de geschiedenis van het medium en om gevestigde fotografen. Met de komst van internet lijkt het een achterhaald medium. Maar schijn...
Melissa Laing
Artist theorist, explorer
jonathan knauft
Marcela Ferrari
Ordinary people
I am a stranger in a strange world...
Ronmandos Gallery Rotterdam Cassavetes, John
3Şub 20088Mar 2008The recent series of work by Jak Beemsterboer consist of portrait collages/drawings, which concern themselves with how our contemporary cosmetic behaviour seems to form one of our most important...
Joost van Grinsven
freelance designer (web design & graphic design)
Currently working as a freelance designer (web design & graphic design). Most recent project: The Rijksmuseum online exhibition 'Accessorize!' A website where you can discover the history of...
Maarten Sebastiaan Hol
Philosopher / photographer / historian / poet ...
Living in the old town of Hoorn , I am fascinated by the history and culture of cities through the ages. That's why I am a historical guide in my free time. I like to study history, and tell other...
Triny Prada
painter, video, video installlations, food performer
the life is not enough
maria pomiansky
was born in Moscow.
a new film about fears "The End of the light" or "Конец света", 22 min., Zürich 2009
Mark Bakker
some keywords: music - indie indie indie, design, art, friends and new people!
As much I live for a tomorrow, as strong I miss the present. Charm of the moment. Evening, which will never return. Just now and here… I write a lot. And sometimes like just laugh loudly. Just for...
Ghansah Bismark John
This user is unmasked as a spammer
A bicycle can't stand on its own because it's two-tired.
Arti et Amicitiae
Is the world flat?
19Oca 20083Şub 2008The art world’s development goes hand in hand with the growth of global market and new communication technologies. Parachutartists Foundation brought together eleven artists, that live and work in...
Sara Kolster
yes is more
I've been working as a web, graphic and interaction designer, artist, researcher, photographer, project manager, software developer, hacker, initiator & cooking expert..
Mediamatic Post CS
Classical Self Representation
14Şub 2008During Beauty Parlour #05, as part of the ikikik! series of Mediamatic, presentations were held on the subject of classical self representation. The presenters were: Christopher West, Aline Weyel
Sean Madden
Kiril Nachev