Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Open dag Shaffy's Tuin
21Mar 2015De oplettende passant heeft het al gezien: op de kop van de Dijksgracht zijn de spades de grond in gegaan en de Shaffy’s Tuin begint te groeien en dat belooft wat …. Op de eerste dag van de lente...
Seeding questions
Experiments with sowing
From the questions' design we smoothly moved to the experiments with the seeds and the seeding paper. We wanted to find out inside of which of the three types of rice paper (really thin one, a bit...
Geert Van Kerckhove
Beekeeper at WellBeeing.org
Evert Harmeling
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Visitor Information
You can visit Dijkspark and the Casting Doubts installation daily. The seedcard however are only for sale during opening hours of Mediamatic ETEN, which you can find here . The Casting Doubts...
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
22Mar 201517Mayıs 2015De maakbaarheid van het landschap verbonden met de verbeeldingskracht van de kunstenaar
Experiments in Mediamatic office
The Project Mushcoffeeroom is a sustainable design for the Coffee kitchen.
About the Pis’ Project
The Pis’ Project connects urine in the arts with innovation within design, architecture and environment. After a successful two years we decided in 2017 to expand the project from urine to all human...
Groene kunst, Amsterdam aquaponics.
Hoe groen de stad heeft gevormd
Landbouw heeft door de eeuwen heen invloed gehad op de vormgeving van de stad. Veel straten in oude steden zijn aangelegd om het voedsel van het platteland efficiënt aan de man te brengen. Door...
Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam
Love in Nature
14Şub 2015Waar zou de mensenliefde zijn zonder planten?! Sinds mensenheugenis worden planten gebruikt om de liefde een handje te helpen. Liefdesdrankjes, zinnenprikkelende vruchten, alles is mogelijk. Wist u...
New Aquaponics System at Biotoop Dijksgracht:…
Last month of December Mediamatic moved and of course the Aquaponics system did it as well.
Academy of Architecture Eli Brouwer
1·Lectures: Michael van Gessel
5Şub 2015Michael van Gessel famous Dutch landscape architect gives a lecture about his work. But He did not show what he wants to present exactly, so this will be the big surprise of the evening. See more...
Harvest time
should i wait or can i already harvest ??
The well-known dilemma of harvest-time executed in a case-study of the generic cucumber. You are eager to taste your well-earned fruits, but also reckon they still grow bigger and become more...
Ik studeer Nederland-Duitsland-Studies (in Duitsland) en ben momenteel uitwisselstudente aan de VU.
Mediamatic has moved to DijksPark in 2014!
to Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam
As of December 1st, Mediamatic moved to their new location on Dijksgracht 6. On this beautiful spot near the waterside (within walking distance from Central Station!) we will continue and intensify...
Rocío Martín
Aquaponics Team
Sociologist, searching for new ways of living in a sustainable planet. I know other world is possible so I am great fan of urban agriculture, alternative energies and new technologies to improve the...
Psilocybe cubensis
The magic mushroom
Psilocybe cubensis is a species of psychedelic mushroom whose principal active compounds are psilocybin and psilocin . Commonly called shrooms, magic mushrooms, golden tops, cubes, or gold caps, it...
workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Workshop: Learn to build Aquaponics
28Şub 2015Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It might be the best way to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space.
Dijksgracht 6
Mediamatic's new location
On November 19 2014, Mediamatic moved to their new location on Dijksgracht 6. A great area near the waterside, within walking distance from Amsterdam's Central Station. In the following months...
Innovative Citizen 2014
Aquaponics & Mycelium Workshop Dortmund
Between 27.09 and 2.10 in the 'Innovative Citizen 2014' was held in Dortmund. It operated as a hub between technology, innovation and society. Mediamatic was there for two workshops.
workshop: Mediamatic Fabriek
Grow your own mushrooms!
15Kas 2014Besides the fact they are delicious and nutritious, there is much more to discover about mushrooms and fungi. Some people even claim that they will help humanity save the world! Here at Mediamatic we...
fish feed
comparison and optimization
our efforts to optimize the fish feed for our catfish. Two different kinds of commercial fishfeed and our own homegrewn protein.
workshop: Mediamatic Fabriek
Workshop: Aquaponics
25Eki 2014Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. The best way to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space. The fish poo...