
Kool Abundance

Exhibition of Arne Hendriks' Cabbage Spirit Vegetable

10 Oca 2018
23 Mar 2018

When it comes to food, we often crave for more. However, when you have plenty, it's not always easy to be happy with something that you have plenty of? For artist Arne Hendriks, this year's cabbage surplus raises one clear question: how to deal with abundance? The drawings in the restaurant of Mediamatic ETEN reflect his search for answers. The exhibition was on at  Mediamatic ETEN.


Rococo-kool tafel door Arne Hendriks tijdens het Abundance Dinner - Het Abundance Dinner werd samengesteld door  Arne Hendriks en chef Thorwald Voss . Temidden van de heerlijkste gerechten enkel gemaakt van witte kool, zochten we naar een toekomst waarin er een balans ontstaat tussen vraag en aanbod, verlangen en tevredenheid en overvloed en schaarste. Anisa Xhomaqi

Surplus, Value and waste

In 2018, the cabbage harvest was affluent. In fact, the abundant harvest was too much for farmers to process for a fair price. Our current economic system has turned this perfectly eatable and nourishing foods into worthless surplus. The costs to harvest cabbage cannot compete with the low prices demanded by the market. Is it also possible to add value in a different way? In turning the white cabbage into his spirit vegetable Arne Hendriks celebrates the 'worthless' white cabbage to re-instate and determine its value together. 

Arne Hendriks

For The Incredible Shrinking Man, Arne Hendriks set out on a long inquiry into the possibility of shrinking, and the consequences for humanity. Following his proposal for an economy that embraces shrinking, he was artist in residence at Rabobank. Through his artistic work, he investigates how this big agricultural bank could be one of the main players in a new and more balanced food-system for the future.